I love girls - and I'm not the least bit embarrassed to admit it! Personally, I think girls are the greatest thing since - well, since boys! I mean, after all - they go together, don't they? What's a boy without a girl? Pretty unhappy - that's what!!
Of course, I haven't reached the point in my life where I feel that I could settle down to going steady with one girl. Right now, I'm having too much fun dating and getting to know many different girls. I often wonder if I'll ever be able to choose just one girl, cos there's something so special about each and every one of you! Every girl has a certain charm all her own. I guess that's why I'm so girl crazy, cos I have to confess - I actually love all of you lovely, feminine, female creatures!
Now, don't you blame us guys for being so fickle and falling for almost every girl we meet! We really can't help it. It's you girls who are really to blame! If you all weren't so appealing - we guys wouldn't have such a rough time deciding which is the girl for us! But then again - it really isn't so bad being surrounded by such lovely creatures - so don't you dare change! We boys wouldn't know what to do without you!!
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One of my all -time favorite pastimes is girl-watching! That's because I love pretty things - and I can't think of anything better-looking than a girl! Sometimes I'll see a girl who has long blonde hair and big blue eyes, and I'll think to myself, "Wow - she's my dream girl!". Then, a few minutes later, another girl may pass by. This time, the girl may have short dark hair and sparkling brown eyes, and again I'll think, "There's the perfect girl for me!".
I suppose you've already guess it by now, but you know - the same thing happens when a redhead walks by! And every time I meet a girl, no matter what kind of personality she has, I always find something about the way she acts that makes me think, "She's really groovy - I'd like to get to know her better!".
At first this attraction to every girl kind of confused me, but I think I understand it now. The truth is - I'm girl crazy! This may sound silly - but I'm glad that I am! The way I figure it is that by being girl crazy, I'll get to know and date many different girls. That way, when I really do find my dream girl (for real this time) - I'll know for sure she's the one for me!!
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There's absolutely nothing wrong with being girl crazy. In fact, I think it's a very natural stage all boys go through. At least, I know all of us Cowsill guys experienced it!
It seems that as soon as a boy reaches the magic age of 13 - he suddenly discovers the opposite sex. Girls become extra - special to him, and it's just about this time in his life that he begins dating. And for the rest of his teenage years, he continues to be completely fascinated by girls, getting crush after crush on girl after girl!
Although we guys might seem fickle when we're going through this girl-crazy stage - it's really just a natural part of growing up. This "fickleness" last until a guy meets "the girl" who will stop his heart from wandering. To my way of thinking, it's good for a guy to be girl crazy. That's what dating is all about, anyway - meeting and getting to know many girls before deciding to settle down with just one girl.
Another thing I feel it's important to bring up - and in all fairness to us guys - don't you honestly agree with me that most teenage girls are boy crazy?!