The Cowsills In Magazines

Flip Magazine - Other References
September 1969
Flip Magazine


First Things First - No, The Cowsills are still one big happy family, and there's no truth to the reurring rumors that they're going to break up.

Rascals will be on their way to Hawaii ... Cowsills will be all over the place.


It hasn't been a totally wretched month, however - some good things have happened. Susan Cowsill finally got to meet her idol - Davy Jones - and is a very happy little girl.


Sue & Barb

by Rose Ann McCollum
Beech Grove, Indiana

When The Cowsills appeared at the Indiana State Fair last summer, Rose Ann was right there with her camara, to catch this shot of Susie and her "mini-Mom" relaxing before their show.


Dear FLIP,
I've been noticing that you never have but one or two pages on The Cowsills. They are the only group that lights a magazine up! If you want a good magazine, you need more of The Cowsills. All seven of them are precious.

Liz Conn
Nettleton, Miss.

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