Cowsill Family Secrets or "Betcha Never Saw Us Like This
Before!!" Spring 1968 16 SPEC
Here are the twins, Bob and Dick. This picture was
taken in Portsmouth, Va., when they were about a year and a half
old. |
ONCE UPON A TIME (about 20 years ago, to be exact)
in the U.S.A., Mr. Bud and Mrs. Barbara Cowsill decided to do their
very best to promote the population explosion. So - one by one -
they came along, until at last theree were seven little (and not so
little) Cowsills! Just in case the world should ever care, Mrs. C.
decided to keep a record of the progress of her adorable brood. Good
thing she did - for now everybody knows and loves Susie, John,
Barry, Paul, Dick, Bob and Bill. Here they are, for the first time
anywhere - just as they looked from the very beginning!
Here's Bill (lovingly known as "Billy" in those
days) at the age of two and a half. This picture was made especially
for daddy Bud, who was away at sea at the time.

Ah - Bud made it home for Christmas back in '60. He
gave Barry and John cowboy hats and corncob pipes. The boys gave
him, well, er - their pet snakes!


'Round the table (starting at left): Barry, 6;
John, 5; Dick, 10, Susie, 8 months; Bud; Bob, 10; Paul, 8; and Bill,
12. Shortly after this photo was snapped, the turkey in the middle
was demolished! |
John, Susie and Barry introduce you to 'The Unknown
Cowsill". (His name is Snerffle-faffle and - actually - he does all
the singing!). |

Susie, at two, shows off her Easter bunny, while
Barry demonstrates how to hold two Easter eggs! Brilliant, yes?

On Christmas Day of '61, the gang posed for this
pic for Bud. It was taken at their home in Canton, Ohio.

John's first school picture - taken when he as six
at Forest Avenue Primary School in Newport, Rhode Island.

Barry, pictured here at 9, went to the same school
- where he was an "A" student. |

More of some - 'cept Barry was 11 and this was
taken at Howland Grammar School in Canton.
When Bob was 8 he got a crew cut, but
- by the time he was 10, his hair had grown out
quite nicely, thank you. |

Looks like Mini Mom has her hands full. That's Paul,
14; John, 9; and Barry, 10.
Click here to continue on to Part 2 of this pictorial article.