Welcome To the World's Greatest Collection of Cray-zee Cowsill's Pix -Presented By The Cowsill Clan Themselves!March 196816 Magazine
"And you thought we were kidding when we said cray-zee!"
"Help! Help! - I'm being held prisoner in a Cowsill's fortune cookie factory."
"Persimmons? Let's have a bite.""Wow! that smarts!!"
"O.K. - time for scarecrow building instructions now."
"First you eat a bale of hay."
"You mean that little handle I just pulled down was the fire alarm??""Yup - and the men in red with their little hoses are on the way!"
"So, let them spray us - I don't care!""O.K. you guys - which one of you is the Newport fire bug?"
"No, officer - it wasn't me! Don't let them take me away!"
"Unhand that girl, you cad!"
"I second that motion!"
"Whew - let's all relax and enjoy one of mom's homecooked meals."