FOR THE very first time, that rollicking, frolicking, talented Cowsill family is here to tell you about themselves, about what they like, think, feel and do. So listen closely as The Cowsills confess . ..
. . . that Barry is one of the biggest teases of all times. And he has the amazing ability to get away with it. All he has to do is give out with one of those big smiles!
. . . that little Susan, only Cowsill gal except for Mama, can be found roaming all over the house at all hours of the night and early morning. It's not that she's up all night — she sleepwalks!
. . . that drummer John would like to own a motorcycle more than anything else in the whole world. But he's going to have to wait a couple of years for that!
. . . that Bob has been known to disappear. . . completely vanish from sight. . . from time to time. Hours may elapse before anyone sees or hears Bob. But no one ever worries. They all know he's just found himself a quiet corner and is reading!
. . . that Bill is sort-of a mysterious person. But this is true of a lot of creative people and Bill is creative! He writes, creatively, such things as poetry, stories and, of course, his own lyrics!
. . . that Barbara Cowsill, the mini-mama, cooks her meals on a 1917 gas stove — which requires a prayer to light it!
. . . that Paul and Dick, the only non-singing brothers, have no intention of ever going in for performing. They prefer being on the management end of the business.
. . . that their dog Curly, an integral part of the Cowsill family, likes to hunt for rabbits and other wild things in the forest around their home.
. . . that their home is haunted by a ghost. His name is Captain McCormick. They know that it might be hard for others to believe in a ghost — but they can feel his presence. In fact, they often talk to him so he'll know they like him and want him around.
. . . that their home (a 22-room mansion on top of one of the few Newport, Rhode Island hills) could indeed be a strange sight to others. The walls are covered with ivy, screens hang from broken windows and the whole setting looks quite unreal. But they love the place. After all, it's home!