The Cowsills In Magazines

Come To A Cowsill Wedding and Other References
October 1968
Teen Life Magazine


The Cowsill family has added another member to its ranks. Karen is her name and she joined the clan by becoming Mrs. Bill Cowsill


Place: Broadway Church of Christ, New York City.
Date: June 9th, 1968
Time: 10:45 a.m.
Occasion: The wedding between Miss Karen Locke of Allentown, Pa. and Mr. William Cowsill of Newport, Rhode Island.

Outside the sun was shining and passers-by the church took a quick peek at those going in. Inside, the organ played softly, the guests talked quietly, and the bridegroom, as do most bridegrooms, bit his lip nervously and asked the best man, for the umpteenth time, if he had remembered to bring the ring!

Then the minister appeared, the organ started to play Here Comes The Bride.

The bride on her father's arm, felt her legs go to jelly as she started that seemingly endless walk down the aisle to the side of her future husband. And everyone turned round and sighed: "Doesn't she look beautiful?"

And she did. In fact, the whole wedding ceremony was beautiful.

Afterwards the entire Cowsill entourage took off for the Waldorf Hotel for a slap-up champagne brunch. Only close friends and relatives were invited, but there was so much talking and laughter going on, you'd have thought that there were at least a hundred people there! Paul, who acted as Bill's best man, gave a short speech and proposed a toast to the couple.

After the reception, the new Mr. and Mrs. Cowsill took off for a week's honeymoon in the Virgin Islands. Now they are back in Manhattan busily settling into their new apartment and new way of life. We all wish them the happiness that they wish themselves.


Left: Bill and Karen are joined in matrimony while the rest of the family looks on.
Below: friends and relatives pose outside the church.

At the reception, sister Susan toasts the young newly-weds.


Left: Bill and Karen after the ceremony. Above, Paul looks as if he's giving his big brother some advice!

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