The Cowsills In Magazines

John & Barry ... Which Do You Choose?
March 1970
16 Magazine


John and Barry Cowsill are both lovable, charming, good-looking guys. But although they are very much alike in some ways - they are basically two completely different types of boys. Before you decide which one holds the key to your heart - carefully read the following descriptions of John and Barry. Then rate each boy, keeping in mind your own personality, likes and dislikes - and see which one turns out to be the most compatible - the right boy - for YOU!

When you first meet John Cowsill, he doesn't come on overly friendly or do a great deal of talking, yet there's a magnetism about him which makes you like him immediately. You see, it's not how much he says or even what he says - it's the way he says it! John has this certain way about him and he seems to be talking only to you - even if there are many other people in the room. Maybe it's his understanding eyes that seem to look right through you - or maybe it's his sensitive smile that wins you over. Whatever, this shy sort of guy has attracted your attention and you want to get to know him better.

Now here's where things begin to get confusing. John is not easy to figure out. Maybe that's one of the reasons he's so appealing! John is a very deep person and sometimes seems to live in a fantasy world all his own. He does! - but he secretly wants to share that world with someone who will believe in him and in all of his dreams. If you're interested in John, it's important for you to remember that - cos he sometimes gets confused and thinks about giving up on a dream he really believes in. That's when he'll need your encouragement and faith in him the most!

The girl for John occasionally has to be a mind-reader, cos when he's upset or depressed he won't always admit it. In fact, he may hides his tears and fears behind a brave smile. But if you really care for him, you'll always be able to tell when he's unhappy - no matter how hard he tried to conceal his feelings. Just look deep into his dreamy brown eyes and watch his actions carefully. When he seems more quiet than usual, or less full of fun than he normally is, well that's your cue to cheer him right out of that blue mood!

On the other hand, most of the time John is a cheerful practical joker, and he's constantly teasing someone (maybe it's you!). But John's teasing is not meant to hurt - he is actually showing affection. He's embarrassed to come right out and say, "I like you!", and this is his way of telling you that he cares. You'll have to understand that. But whatever you do - don't try to get even by teasing John back! He's super-sensitive and takes everything to heart. John won't understand that you are just teasing him and you may hurt him deeply. Besides, one practical joker is enough - so leave that to John!

Of course, John won't admit that he's sensitive. In fact, he'll probably deny it! When he does, don't argue with him - just smile sweetly as though you agree, but don't forget it for one minute! The very fact that John is sensitive means that he is a very aware person and feels real sympathy for other people. That means he's a great one to pour out your heart to. He listens carefully (cos he's really interested), and just telling John your problems seems to make them almost disappear. And if you're not feeling well or really need John for anything - he'll always be there. (See how lucky you are!)

John has a vivid imagination and he seldom talks about his special goals or ambitions. However, he'll tell you all his secrets - once he believes you're really and truly interested and won't laugh at them. John enjoys things like walking along the beach, listening to romantic music and watching movies such as Romeo And Juliet. When he cares - he cares with all his heart, although he may be afraid to show it. To reassure John (something you'll have to do quite often), you have to let him know that you care for him - but you can't be too aggressive, or too possessive, or you may scare him away!

John is too young right now (he'll be 14 years old on March 2nd) to get serious with any one girl or even think of marriage, so you must be patient. When he's older and he is ready to fall in love - John Cowsill will be a perfect Prince Charming. You could be his Princess if you're a girl who is understanding, a little bit of a mind-reader, very romantic - and most important of all - if you have enough faith in him to help make all his dreams come true!

Now that you know all about John - here's the inside scoop on his brother Barry! Be sure to read this page carefully too. Then it'll be time to rate Barry! It's important to remember to take your own personality and likes and dislikes into consideration when rating the Cowsill boys - cos that way you'll know for certain which guy you would choose for your very own!

Everyone likes Barry Cowsill! It's difficult not to, as he's one of the friendliest people you could ever meet! Only moments after meeting him, Barry will begin chatting with you and you'll feel as though you've known him all your life. He's a non-stop talker, but you'll find yourself amused by everything he says. And that can range from Barry telling you about a book he just read (he loves biographies); a funny film he recently saw (he particularly likes Westerns and Army flicks); his opinion of today's teenagers; or how he'd like to visit the moon. But whatever he talks about, Barry always sounds bright and enthusiastic.

Barry is also very interested in learning what your thoughts are, and he wants to know your opinions and feelings about all sorts of things too. So the girl for Barry not only has to be a good listener, but be able to carry on an intelligent conversations as well. One thing Barry respects is honesty, so you must remember to always state your true thoughts - and not say something just to agree with him! Barry admires people who have minds of their own.

Barry's soft green eyes and gentle smile help to make him even more irresistible, so girls are just naturally attracted t him - all the time! That's just fine with Barry, cos he really enjoys being the center of attention! But don't think that means he's conceited. He's not! Barry just loves people and his naturally warm, friendly personality makes him a "flirt" in the nicest sense of the word!

Barry is also a perfect "Mr. Personality" - the kind of boy who is always voted "Most Popular Boy" in your high school yearbook! So if you have eyes for Barry, let's hope that you're not the jealous type. If you are, you'll be miserably unhappy every time lovable Barry warmly greets a friend - especially if she happens to be a girl! Of course, it isn't your fault if your nature is jealous - but Barry can't help being friendly either! You better remember that - or you may start many unnecessary quarrels. And the ironic thing is that Barry would never be unfaithful to the girl he truly loves. Being friendly is one thing - but he'd never cheat or lie to you. He's dependable, loyal, kind, thoughtful, and above all - sincere!

Although Barry is very mature for his 15 years, he's still too young to commit himself to any one girl at this time. So he isn't likely to let you know that you're the girl for him - even if he thinks you are!

In his own practical way, Barry feels that he should date many girls before he can really be sure about the one who is perfect for him. But he won't be sneaky about it, and he may even encourage you to date other guys. That doesn't mean he doesn't care for you. Just the opposite - Barry wants you to be sure of your love for him too! Actually, when you really think about it - he makes a lot of sense. But then, Barry's a very logical, careful and fair-minded person!

Although it may be difficult for a girl to understand Barry's reasoning at first, imagine how wonderful it will be when you both stop wondering and know for sure that you deeply and truly love each other! You did a smart thing! You both tested your love for each other before rushing into something with your eyes closed. You'd be surprised how much heartache you avoided by listening to Barry's clever advice.

Now you really can share a long and happy life together. In other words, you're just the right kind of girl for Barry if you're a practical dreamer who is fun-loving, bright, honest, patient - and not the least bit jealous!

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