The Cowsills In Magazines

Bob & Paul Cowsill - How We've Changed!!
October 1969
16 Magazine


BOB: I think I've changed more in the last seven months than at any other time of my life! Of course, the first 19 years were my "growing up" years and needless to say, I looked a lot different when I was a child. But my outlook on life and my thoughts have changed a great deal during the last seven months.

I do a lot more serious thinking now, and most of my thoughts are about the future. For instance, I have always said that I would someday like to be a teacher. I still feel that I want to teach algebra - but for different reasons! Before it was just something to use as an answer when I was asked that standard question, "What are you going to be when you grow up?" Since algebra was always one of my favorite subjects, I thought it sounded good to reply, "I want to be a teacher!" Now my whole attitude is different. If I ever become a teacher, it will be because I really want to - not because I have to !!

I also feel that the main reason for the way I've changed is that we Cowsills have more free time now than before. When you are beginning a career - especially in show business - there is so much to do and so many things to learn that you have very little time for fun. It's always work, work, work - and you literally have to devote your entire self to getting established in your chosen profession. Now don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining. I love show business and all of us Cowsills enjoy entertaining - otherwise we wouldn't be in this business. It's just that all work and no play can make anybody a dull boy - or girl! And the strange thing is that you don't realize you're missing out on the joy of living when you are working toward your goal. Fortunately for us, we Cowsills have slowed our pace a little, reorganized our working schedule - and made time to simply enjoy life !!!

We still record, make TV and in-person appearances, but now we also manage to get time off - and believe me, I'm taking advantage of every single minute! I have become very impulsive too. For instance, I recently too off for a weekend in Hawaii. It seems that I'm never home! I used to be a homebody, but I've now become a wanderer! My secret dream is to buy a big schooner and live on it for a year. I'd sail my ship all over the world. Another fantasy of mine is to someday go to the moon. If I had the chance to be the first man to put foot on the moon - I'd go! I never realized it before - but suddenly I've discovered that I'm quite an adventurer!

With more time for a private life, I've had the opportunity to date more. I never had time for very close relationships and I always avoided getting serious. I didn't want to fall in love with a girl - I didn't have the time! Now, I find myself thinking about marriage! I thought I was a confirmed bachelor - but now I know that I very much want to get married and raise a family. Of course, I won't take that step until I'm very much in love - but I know now that it will happen someday. I just hope that when I do meet that "special girl," she'll enjoy wandering around the world with me - cos we'll have a lot of living to do!

PAUL: I believe that the ages of 13 through 16 are the most difficult years in a boy's life. And I should know - cos I just went through those four years! (I was 17 this past November 11th) It seems that almost all boys 13 through 16 have quite a bit in common. Not only are they maturing physically and mentally - but they act like "wise guys"! That is, they go through an obnoxious period of being loud and boisterous. Of course, when you're going through all of this - you don't realize it. You think that everyone else is weird and picking on you. I well remember what a brat I was, but at the time - I thought I was so cool! It seems that people were really laughing at me, not with me, while I continued to exist in a world all my own!

Now, before you decide that I was a horrible person - I must defend myself (and all other boys between the ages of 13 and 16). You see, it's kind of rough for a guy at that age. He's in between boyhood and manhood - and he's trying to adjust in the only way he knows how. It's terribly confusing, and each boy thinks that he's the only one going through this! That's why it's so great to have older brothers. You see, they know what's wrong with you, and why you feel and act the way you do. So, your older brothers (in my case, Bill, Bob and Dick) can sit you down and explain that they understand you, that you aren't weird and -- most important of all -- that they were just like you when they were your age!

Looking back on those years, I can't help but wonder how I would have gotten through them without my brothers to guide me. I also know that before too long I'll be sitting down to have a heart-to-heart talk with Barry and John, so that they will also understand that they aren't weird!

Needless to say, when I reached the magical age of 17 - I really changed! I was no longer a little lost soul. I matured, I was more independent - and I know a lot more about myself! I used to be a follower and I always worried about fitting in. That's why I was so miserable when we Cowsills first moved to California. I was lonely, but instead of going out and trying to make new friends - I sat and sulked! After four months of sitting around the house, feeling sorry for myself - I finally realized that it was my own fault. I didn't have any friends simply because I didn't give anyone a chance to be my friend! So the next time my classmates invited me to one of their parties - I accepted. Not only did I have a great time, but I'm now part of the crowd. I don't worry about fitting in anymore, either. The secret is just to be yourself. That way, people accept and like you for the real you!

Another way I've changed is that girls have become very important to me. Last year, I didn't care about being busy and not having time to date. Now I'm having the time of my life - meeting and dating many different types of girls. And you know what - I love them all!

There are so many things I want to do. Someday I'm going to fulfill my dream of becoming a football player. No! I won't quit the Cowsills - I plan to play football for my college team! I also want to hitchhike through Europe. I don't want to travel first-class or stay at any exclusive hotels. I want to visit the small towns and meet the people.

There are so many things I plan to do, and you know - I think that I might even get married someday!

I really dig girls! I think it's important for a girl to be attractive. When a girl looks good - you can't help but notice her! That doesn't mean a girl has to be a raving beauty, cos I honestly think everyone can look attractive with just a little effort. The first think I notice about a girl is her looks. If she's neat and attractive - I want to meet her! Then her personality becomes more important. After all, personality is what keeps the boy interested! I don't like to see girls dressed in boy's clothes. I think a girl should be totally feminine! I also like girls who have a good sense of humor and who are quiet, but not too shy. I enjoy casual dates, like going to the movies or horseback riding. I think I'm still too young to really get serious about one girl - but I know someday I'll fall in love and get married. I love children, so I'll have a big family. Hope you feel the same way I do!

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