JOHN COWSILL CATCHES A GIRL BY ... grinning his adorable grin... displaying his love of life and fun... telling her his wild, cute wishes—like wanting to fly to the moon . . . serenading her with his drums (drums?) . . . being a good sport who likes to go everywhere and do everything . . . doing all kinds of nice things for her—like helping her with her homework, buying her little trinkets and listening to all her problems . . . the gentle way he squeezes her hand to show her he cares . . . just being himself!
BOB COWSILL CATCHES A GIRL BY ... sending her beautiful flowers — for no reason at all ... making her laugh at his funny jokes and antics . . . taking her out on fun dates . . . making her feel like she's a part of his big, happy family . . . sharing his most intimate thoughts with her . . . reading her songs he's written — before they're even published . . . being noisy and fun at the right time . . . being quiet and romantic at the right time . . . being the considerate, wonderful person he naturally is!
The Five C's have gals galore! This is the secret of their success!
When it comes to catching girls, The Cowsills are real pros. Besides the fact that they're all handsome and tremendous fun to be with, they have some very special girl-catching tricks. And since they're all very definite individuals, with distinct personalities of their own, each of the guys has his own personal techniques. Here they are!
BY . . . being exceptionally sincere
and thoughtful. . . amusing her with
his sharp and clever wit . . . fascinating her with his mysterious ways
. . . always being game for a good
time . . . reading her the really
groovy music, stories and poems he
writes . . . making her feel like she's
the only girl in the whole world . . .
the honest and kind-of shy way he
compliments her when he likes some
thing about her . . . always being
there when she needs someone to talk
to ... calling her just to say hello
. . . being Bill Cowsill!
PAUL COWSILL CATCHES A GIRL BY . . . being extremely generous. He's constantly giving a girl little tokens of his affection . . . tossing his head in a cute, irresistible way . . . constantly surprising her — like taking her to a show she's wanted to see for ages . . . being terribly talented and not at all conceited . . . discussing all kinds of interesting things. Paul's very intelligent and he can talk a blue streak on just about any subject . . . putting his arm around her in a very protective manner . . . being a truly nice person!
GIRL BY ... being naturally and
truly at home when he's with her
. . . entertaining her . . . teasing her
in a loving kind of way . . . talking
enthusiastically to her — about any
thing and everything . . . flashing
the wide smile he's so famous for...
having absolutely adorable freckles
. . . doing zany, way-out things like
riding a subway train to the last
stop ... his contagious, hearty laugh
. . . looking at her with that special
twinkle in his eyes . . . sharing all
the things he loves most with her...
being so cute and lovable