The Cowsills In Magazines

My Family the Cowsills - by Bill Cowsill
April 1968
Outasite Magazine

Lead singer Bill Cowsill sharpened his pencils for Outasite! to give us this month's inside story on the Cowsills.


I am what the family calls the 'musical coordinator' of the group. I am the bad guy who calls rehearsals, makes Barry practice his bass, makes John drum till he's blue in the face, and tells Mom that this is more important than washing dishes.

In Newport, Rhode Island, our home, we had a normal, settled, routine, day-to-day way of life. We would sit in our 22-room-mansion, which is completely emptied of furniture, and practice each day. At school, all the kids knew who we were, because (this might sound conceited) we've been celebrities in Rhode Island for a few years now. Everything we did made headlines in the local papers, but at school we were just like any other kid. It was great!

All this has changed now. When we went home for a weekend recently, Mom went shopping in the local supermarket and all her old friends snubbed her. She came home in tears because she couldn't understand what had happened in the space of such a short time. Dad said, 'People are funny. I think what happened to you at the store was a very strange mixture of embarrassment and perhaps a little resentment on the part of your friends. After all, they're still sitting home doing dishes, cleaning the house, and fixing dinner, while your life has just a little bit more excitement in it.' Whatever it was, it sure threw Mom.

A lot of people ask me if any of this has changed Susie. Well, I have to say yes. She has become more determined to do the job well, more anxious to please, and more willing to put in long hours at rehearsal. She misses being with her friend, Linda, and in New York she's having a hard time finding little girls her own age to play with. She seems to be stuck with us. But we love her and even though we tease her, we don't mean to.

Bob and I don't have much time to date, but when we do, we really make a night of it. Last night Bob had a date, and when he left, his room looked like a disaster area - almost as bad as mine. Neither Bob nor I date any special girl. We see a few girls casually, but that's the extent of it. We just can't get into involvements at this point in our lives. It wouldn't be fair to us, and it wouldn't be fair to the girl. Besides, everything is much more fun when it's done without complications.

Now let me tell you about Dick!! He's the wild one of the family. My Dad always says, 'He's a bad, bad, boy.' But Dick really just likes to have fun at the cost of everything! Seriously, though, we wouldn't be able to function without him. He is one of the greatest road managers in the whole world and I love him right now because he let me write this column this month!

It looks like goodbye time. We have rehearsals, recording sessions, etc. Never fear, Bill Cowsill will return - so watch out girls!!

Cowsills Cowsills

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