What is your full real name?
William Joseph Cowsill Jr.
When and where were you born?
I was born in Providence, R.I., on January 9, 1948.
What is your height, weight and coloring?
I am six feet and one inch tall, weight 155 pounds, and have brown hair and green eyes.
Family info:
My answer to this question is the same as my brother Bob's.
Do you have any pets?
We have a wonderful mutt named "Curly", and Susie has a tiny black poodle named "Subar" (which used to be called "Spot"). "Subar" is for Sue and Barbara - get it?
What kind of music do you like most?
I like anything that moves me emotionally - particularly Beatle tunes.
What do you do in your spare time?
HUH!? Who has spare time?
Can you cook?
Yes - everything from eggs to cereal. In other words, you can only count on me for breakfast dishes.
Would you like to get married?
That's really not a fair question. I've got to keep something secret!
What is most important when you meet a girl - her looks or personality?
To be quite honest, I notice her looks first - cos then, even before she opens her mouth, I know something about her.
Briefly describe your dream girl.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing. A dream girl is supposed to be perfect - and perfect people are non-existent.
What three tips would you give a girl who wanted you to like her?
Don't talk for the sake of talking, but if you have something to say - say it! Don't come on like gang-busters - the subtle approach is so much better. On a date, if I ask you if you'd like something to eat or drink, don't be embarrassed to say "yes".
Who has helped you most with your career?
My dad.
Who are your closest friends in and out of show business?
Our manager - Lenny Stogel, my dad and someone else!
Of all the performers that you've worked with, who do you admire most?
My brother Barry.
If you could take a vacation, where in the entire world would you go?
The countryside of Europe - not to the big cities.
Are you a day or night person?
I'm slowly becoming a night person - guess I'm midway right now.
How do you relax?
I go out alone and look for things to look for.
What do you plan to do with your money?
Spend what I'm allowed to spend,and save what's being saved.
What do you like most about your work?
Listening to the finished product after working your head off to achieve it.
What do you dislike about your work?
Growing up!
What kind of clothing do you like to wear when you're not performing?
The ones on the bedpost!
What kind of clothes do you like to see girls wear?
I like New York fashions and Ivy League styles.
When you give presents to a girl, what do you usually pick?
I don't like to give or receive presents. It makes me feel uncomfortable - no one owes me anything and I dislike feeling obligated.
What kind of perfume do you like on a girl?
What kind of men's cologne do you use?
Nine Flags
Do you have a pet weakness?
I can't tell!
What TV shows do you enjoy?
Star Trek, Mission: Impossible and The Smothers Brothers.
Are you moody or temperamental?
Very moody.
Do you have a nickname?
Yes - the guys call me "Shadow", cos I'm very thin and don't cast one!
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you wish for?
Shade, fresh water and moonlight!
When are you most happy?
When everthing goes great.
If you weren't in show business, what would you have done?
I still have a strong desire to teach in high school and probably will at some time in the future.
Have you ever dated a fan? Would you?
I haven't as yet, but I sure would.
What kind of people do you enjoy being with?
People who aren't afraid to cry.
What are your favorite colors, flowers, foods?
I like many colors including blue, red, brown and yellow. My favorite flowers are yellow roses, and I enjoy all kinds of sea food.
What advice would you give a young person who would like to make a career in show business?
Don't get stepped on and don't step on anyone!
Give a one-word description of each of the other group members.
Mom - pretty.
Bob - happy-grump.
Barry - talented-clown.
John - ethereal.
Sue - class.
What are your plans for the future?
My motto is "live for today."
Do you answer your fan mail?
Yes - if it's a good, sincere letter. Our address is Box 788, Radio City Station, New York, N.Y. 10019.