The Cowsills In Magazines

The Cowsills - Behind Closed Doors!
February 1969
Teen Pinups Magazine

Come on along as we turn the key and unlock some hidden facts about them!

THE COWSILLS ARE almost always in the spotlight. Their schedules are filled with recording sessions, press interviews, photography sessions, concert and TV shows. To put it bluntly, there's never dull moment for The C's and hardly ever a moment of privacy. But when they do get a chance to close the door and enjoy a few hours of privacy - here are some of the secret things they do ...

Now that Bill's married, he looks forward to his private moments alone with his new bride. After all, he's practically still a honeymooner! But, of course, when Bill feels he has to be alone, completely alone, it's because he must get some work done.

For instance, if you peeked through the keyhole of his closed door, you'd brobably find him writing lyrics for a new Cowsill song. Or he might be thinking

of a new arrangement for an old standard The C's have decided to re-record. If Bill happens to be in a romantic mood and you're keyhole-peeping, you might catch him writing poetry. Don't you wish you could steal a closer look and read ever line of his secret love poem???

Bob looks forward to his times "behind closed doors" because he loves to be left alone to read. And with such a large family and so much going on at the same time, it's almost impossible to concentrate unless he shuts himself up.

If Bob's door is closed and he isn't reading, he'll probably just be sitting. At least, it'll look like he's just sitting. But Bob will be down to much more serious business than just relaxing or daydreaming.

He'll be doing some very deep thinking - probably trying to reach an all-important decision ... like whether he should date the blonde, brunette or the redhead this weekend!

If you pass Barry's door and he's got his "do not disturb" sign hanging on the doorknob, take a peek. It can be very interesting.

For one thing you might catch him going "um-pa-pa." Barry already plays the drums and guitar, but he'd like to learn to play as many instruments as he possible can. Right now, he's thinking seriously about the tuba. And you can't help but chuckle when you see Barry, who's only 5'1", trying to hold a big, awkward tuba! But he's determined to learn.

You might even catch Barry toying with his new hobby - photography. He said he's been thinking of becoming a professional photographer.


"Think of all the groovy girls I'd be able to take pictures of!" Barry joked.

John's a very loveable, happy-go-lucky-fella. He enjoys being around people - both old friends and new acquaintances. But even though he's the friendly type, he also enjoys being alone.

If you happen to pass his room, when he's alone with his door closed, you might hear him laughing. That's because one of the things he likes to do when he gets a moment of privacy is write a few jokes. And if he has to do a little bragging - they're pretty funny!

If you peek through John's keyhole, you might find him rummaging through his closet. He loves to try on clothes and mix and match his outfits. And sometimes he comes up with some pretty weird combinations - like his orange turtle neck with his blue and green checked pants. But it's all in fun and he wouldn't dare step out of his room in one of his outlandish "creations."

Paul's been known to do some pretty strange things when he's alone behind closed door. For one thing, he's a bug on exercise. Whenever he gets a change to sneak away to his room, you could probably catch him doing push-ups or sit-ups or maybe jumping rope. He's a firm believer in physical fitness, that's for sure.

If you happen to hear some strange noises coming from behind Paul's door, it could be that he's practicing his bird calls. It's a new hobby he's picked up.

He's also very conscientious about his appearance. Not that he's conceited - he just wants to be sure he looks his best at all times. So Paul just might be looking at himself in a mirror and trying out a few new hairstyles. He always ends up with his original style, but it's fun to experiment!

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