Barry Cowsill is at one of those groovy stages in life
when everything seems simple. At 14 Barry either like or doesn't
like things - love and hate haven't come into his life yet.
He likes being an entertainer "for the reason a kid would
like it - it's exciting and neat. I really like playing state fairs
because you get to sing outdoors and if you can manage it you get to
go out and wander around and play games and things."
other things he likes are candles, incense, playing the radio all
night, beating up on his younger brother John ("He's like a
marshmallow and goes 'poof' when you punch him in the stomach.") and
playing basketball at night "when you don't sweat."
"I like
where I go to school now, too - the Hollywood Professional School.
At first I really wanted to go to a public school because they have
shiney new buildings and our school looks like a morgue, but now I
like it. I like ancient, smelly buildings."
"And I like
scaring people. Once when we were in Atlantic City we had a long
Ojija session and then went to bed and it was pitch dark and I hid
under my brother's sheets, and he couldn't tell I was there, and
when he came to bed I reached up and grabbed him and he jumped sky
"I'm always scaring my brothers. They haven't gotten
even with me yet but I'm waitin' for 'em." |
"I want to go sailing 'cause I don't know if I get seasick
and I want to find out. Once when we were in Waikiki I went surfing
and got sick just sitting on my board in little three foot waves! I
don't get airsick so I don't think I'll get seasick but I want to
find out, and besides, I want to go sailing."
Barry and Bob
have a Ouija board whose name is Mac and who is a beatnik. Barry
says wherever he tries to work it with anyone else it asks for Barry
and Bob, so now just Barry and Bob play with it mostly, but he won't
tell what most of the things are they've found out from it because
he says they're vulgar. But even though he's vulgar, Mac gets to go
on all their long tours.
Unlike some people who tour a lot,
Barry really likes to travel. "I'm sick of suitcases but I like
hotels because you can play with the phones and call room service
and have 'em send up a hamburger - you can't do that at home! Boy,
am I lazy."
There are a couple of things Barry dislikes.
"I'm afraid of ghosts - not all ghosts, just ancient ghosts
that drag chains. And I don't like fog at night and there's a lot of
fog in Santa Monica at night."
But what he really dislikes
is when people call him and John twins - Barry's two years older -
or worse, when they think John's older just because he's taller. But
Barry feels he's getting even now because he's allowed to date and
John isn't. Look out, there's a smiling Cowsill on the loose!