The Cowsills In Magazines

My Secret Date Book by Barry Cowsill
June 1970
16 Magazine

I've just started dating and needless to say - I really dig it! At first, I liked double dates, cos the whole dating scene was new to me and I felt a lot more secure when another couple came along. Usually, my date and I would accompany my brother Bob and his fiance Nancy. Sometimes I still go on double dates, especially if it's the first time I'm going out with a girl. However, I feel a lot more at ease on dates now, so it doesn't bother me to be alone with a girl. In fact, I prefer it that way - cos it gives us a chance to really get to know one another.

As I said, I'm still new at the dating game and I'm by no means an expert on girls - yet! However I think I know myself pretty well and I do know that some dates are more enjoyable than others - just like some girls are easier to get along with and are more fun to be with than others.

Do you think you and I would be compatible? I certainly hope so - and I know a sure-fire way we can find out! Read the following list of my dating secrets and see if you agree with what I say. If you do, then we're not only compatible - you're my perfect dream girl!

I think it's important for a girl to look good, cos that's the first thing you notice about someone - the way they look. When I see a girl who is neat and attractive, I want to meet her! Then her personality becomes important. If she's beautiful but boring, I quickly lose interest in her. However, if she's attractive (and I really believe everyone can look good with just a little effort) and she also has a pleasing personality - then I want to date her! Would you like to go out with me?

I don't like to see girls wearing all sorts of make-up. I think bright eyes - clean, shiny hair - and a natural, well-tanned complexion are far more attractive than a face that's covered with gobs of gooey make-up. Don't you agree? I may love to talk - but I love to listen too! I'm interested in many subjects, so it's important that my date knows what's happening and is up on current events. I don't always want to talk about music. There are lots of other things going on in the world too! Can you carry on a good conversations?

I'm a TV fanatic, so I hope that you like watching one show after another! I can sit glued to the set for hours - and I'm particularly partial to horror movies, John Wayne flicks, cartoons and situation comedies. Would you mind spending an evening at home - watching the telly?

Many of our dates will be spent at the movies too. I especially like musicals - and sometimes I sit through the same film twice! Would you be willing to do that?

Even though I enjoy casual-type dates, I like to plan ahead. I'd probably phone you a few days in advance to ask you out. Because I'm in show business, very often unexpected things come up and we have to go out of town, or tape a TV show or record. Would you understand if I called you up at the last minute to cancel our date?

Many times a girl is embarrassed to tell her date that she has a curfew. I guess she thinks he'll tease her or think she's a baby. Instead of being truthful, she makes up an excuse - like saying she has to be home early to finish some homework. That's a big mistake for many reasons! First off, the guy (me, for instance) might realize that you're fibbing and think it's cos you don't enjoy his company. Also, I respect your parents and your curfew. I don't think it's foolish for them to want you home by a certain time. On the contrary, it shows they care about you. I know - cos my folks give me a curfew when I go out!

Another thing girls sometimes have a habit of doing is saying they're not hungry or not eating dinner. Actually, they may be starving, but since they are with a guy - they think it's cool not to eat. That's silly! You shouldn't feel embarrassed. We take you out to dinner so that you can enjoy yourself - and all the groovy food! I sure hope you'd always be completely as ease and truthful with me!

I love surprises of all kinds so I really like receiving unexpected friendship cards, cute notes, poems or any other thoughtful things a girl cares enough to send me. Are you the sentimental, romantic type too?

Most guys may not dig it, but I honestly don't mind when a girl stops by my house to visit me - unexpectedly! In fact, I look forward to it - and it's even O.K. with me if you bring some girl friends along! However, I must warn you - it really bugs me if a girl I'm dating whispers something to her friend when I'm around and I can't hear. So as much as I enjoy meeting your friends - no secrets please!

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