The Cowsills In Magazines

The Cowsills Answer Your Most Intimate, Secret Questions
September 1968
Teen Pin-Ups Magazine

When Bill, Barry, Bob, Paul and John get together for play, they have a super-rollicking good time. Watch the guys display their rock-climbing skills!!!


If you want the truth about The Cowsills, search no more! The facts are on these pages!


Q: What do you think about going steady?
A: It's fine if the two people are grownup enough to know what going steady means. It's not so good if the kids are too young or are just doing it for kicks because everyone else goes steady.

Q: What kind of girl are you looking for?
A: Somebody like Mom . . . pretty, full of fun — and a good cook!

Q: What do you like to do best?
A: Daydream, think about the wonderful things that are happening or will happen, plan for the future.

Q: What's the one thing you hate to do?
A: Write letters and do homework. That's two things.


Q: Who's your best friend?
A: Dad. He's always there when there's a problem . . . and he always has the best advice to give.

Q: What causes the most fights in your home?
A: Brotherly fights usually start over who's the last to use the bathroom at night and the first to use the bathroom in the morning. They don't last long, though.

Q: How do you decide on songs to record?
A: The whole family gets in on the voting. But the last word belongs with Dad. He makes most of the major decisions.

Q: What's the biggest problem your family faces?
A: Figuring out a way to stop everyone from talking at once. It's a big problem, especially during interviews or at the dinner table.


Q: What do you like doing on a date?
A: Walking around New York City, sightseeing or going to the movies. Taking a girl out to dinner is fun, too, especially because there are so many different types of restaurants to explore.

Q: How do you manage to get your schooling in and still be a member of a top group?
A: It isn't easy. But it helps when you keep it all in the family.

Q: What kind of dreams do you have?
A: Usually technicolor ones about adventure . . . like being a lion-tamer or a detective. Things like that. As for nightmares . . . well, there are more pleasant things to talk about.

Q: What kind of family would like to have someday?
A: One that's as large and as the Cowsill clan.


Q: What do you consider your best quality?
A: Having enough wind to blow the trumpet and get sounds out of it.

Q: How did you feel when you became a permanent member of The Cowsills?
A: Fabulous, how else?

Q: What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
A: Casual and neatly-tailored. Nothing too far-out or faddy. But bright colors are fun to wear.

Q: What's your personal ambition?
A: To be independently wealthy. That doesn't mean being filthy rich . . . just having enough money to get things without worrying.


Q: How did you first get interested in song-writing?
A: It sort-of came naturally out of singing. Sometimes, when you can't find songs you want to record, there's nothing else to do but write your own. Anyway, it's fun.

Q: When would you like to get married?
A: Not for a long time yet. There are too many things to do first, like travel, become a real success, finish school. Not to mention finding the right girl to marry.

Q: Do you prefer living in New York or in Rhode Island?
A: There's much more to do and see in New York, of course. It's a more exciting place to live. But there's something to be said about the peace and quiet of Rhode Island. It's more like country and it's easier to be yourself there.

Q: What's your biggest hang-up?
A: Not being able to find a little corner to be alone in. Being part of a big family is terrific, but not when every one's around and there's no place to go to escape. Also, not being able to thank fans for their support is a hang-up. Fans are great!


Devilish Barry's the parctical joker of the C's cute clan. You've got to keep an eye on him - wild things happen before your eyes!


Little John always holds your attention - either with the beat of his drum or with his "crazy" antics!

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