16 SPEC - Other References April 1970 16 SPEC Magazine
16 SPEC Eighth Gold Star Award For 1969

Your Page
By Nan Trippett
Larchmont, N.Y.
John Cowsill is my kind of boy.
When I see his picture I’m filled with joy.
Of the Cowsill family, he is the sixth one,
And the greatest living thing under the sun.
He is the person I hope to meet someday,
Only I wouldn’t know just what to say!
I hope right now he is reading this,
And that one day I can give him a great big kiss!
He beats those drums at a perfect pace,
And he has adorable little freckles all over his face.
He is the greatest boy on this whole wide earth,
And he’s been the boy for me since my birth.
Oh John, I love you so!
Wherever you go, I want to follow!
Happening Memories
And your fav groups were on hand too! This photo isn't so old, yet look how the Cowsills have grown up - right before your eyes! The day this picture was taken, Barry celebrated his 14th birthday "on the air"!
Have you ever wondered what the historical, mythological and "root orgin" meaning is of the name of your favorite top pop star? A short while back 16 Magazine printed a letter from a reader explaining the meaning of a couple of names. Since then, 16 and 16 SPEC have been deluged with letters - either offering meanings of top stars' names or asking the meaning of a particular fav's name! ....
Barry "Dweller at the barrier, diligent"
John "God's gracious gift"
Dick "Powerful ruler"
Bob "Of shining fame"
Paul "Little, saintly"
Bill "Resolute protector"
Susan "A lily"
Barbara "Mysterious stranger"