16 Magazine - Other References February 1970 16 Magazine
16's All-Star Birthday & Gift Guide

BILL COWSILL (COWSILLS): Birthday – January 9; hat – 7 1/2; shirt – 15 1/2-inch neck/32-inch sleeve (or Medium); sweater – 40 (or Large); shoes – 10 1/2; socks – 11 1/2; ring – 9; favorite colors – green, blue and brown; favorite gifts – loves books on the occult, weird happenings and UFO; address – 9255 Sunset Blvd., Room 505, Los Angeles, Calif..
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Telly Time
Look for the Cowsills on NBC-TV's kraft Music Hall on December 24.
16 presents the Teena Awards WINNERS!

TOP GROUP The Cowsills
Dear Miss Stavers,
Recently I had the privilege of meeting the COWSILLS after I saw them perform in Madison, Wisconsin. I even had my picture takent with BARRY! I don't think I'll ever get over it! Would you please run this pic of Barry and me in 16?
LuAnn Lawry
Oregon, Wisconsin