The Cowsills In Magazines

16 Magazine - Other References
October 1971
16 Magazine

You're Telling Me

Dear Miss Stavers,
I'd like to know the COWSILLS' newest address and I'd also like to find out what's happening with them.
Ellen Allmond
Carmel, N.Y.

Dear Ellen,
You can write to the COWSILLS at Box 69420, Los Angeles, California 90009. And if you live in any of the following places, you will be able to see the Cowsills live and in person: Cowsill Concert Tour = Lewisburg, West Virginia State Fair, August 27; Fonda, New York, Fulton-Montgomery County Fair, Sept 2; Essex Junction, Vermont, Champlain Valley Exhibition, Sept 3; Pittsburgh, Pa., Allegheny County Fair, Sept 4; Lincoln, Nebraska, State Fair, Sept 5-6; St. Louis, Mo., St. Louis Arena, Sept 24+26; Port Arthur, Texas, Thomas Jefferson Auditorium, Oct. 23; Dayton, Ohio, Memorial Hall, Nov 13. All these dates are subject to change without notice - and you won't be seeing Paul with the family for a couple of years as he's just enlisted in the Navy!

16's All-Star Birthdaye & Gift Guide


BOB COWSILL: Birthday - August 26; hat - he doesn't wear hats; Shirt - 15-inch neck/33-inch sleeve (or Medium); sweater - 40 (or Large); shoe - 10; socks - 11; ring - 9; favorite color - blue; favorite gifts - litte stories you write yourself or paperback science fiction books; address Box 69420, Los Angeles, California 90069


BARRY COWSILL: Birthday - September 14; hat - 7 1/2; Shirt - 14 1/2-inch neck/30-inch sleeve (or Small); sweater - 36 (or Medium); shoe - 7 1/2; socks - 9 1/2; ring - 7; favorite color - red; favorite gifts - colorful neck scarves or oldtime photographs; address Box 69420, Los Angeles, California 90069


If you're a Cowsill fan, you'll be happy to know that you can catch them on the following dates at the followign places:
Aug 17-23 - Newport Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida
Aug 27 - State Fair, Lewisburg, W.Va.
Sept 2 - Fulton-Montgomery County Fair, Fonda, N.Y
Sept 3 - Essex Junction, Vermont
Sept 5-6 - State Fair, Lincoln, Nebraska
Oct 22 - Port Arthur, Texas
Nov 13 - Memorial Hall, Dayton, Ohio

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