The Cowsills In Magazines

Other Reference
July 1969
16 Magazine

Note: I'm "assuming" this is 16 Magazine. It looks like the layout of 16/16 SPEC but is a torn out page.
I am also guessinging the date as this show was in July 1969

The Cowsills

Birmingham didn't have a show of stars - it had a downpour! When Dan Brennana introduced Susan Cowsill and the rest of her fantastic family, the applause was thunderous - even before the Cowsills performed!

The Cowsills

Here's Susan Singing Hello, Hello, with brothers Bob, Barry, John and Paul (the latter two are hidden in this pix) backing her up. The Cowsill clan sang many of their MGM super-hits, including their latest release Silver Threads and Golden Needles.

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