. . . Barry Cowsill was born on September 14, 1954 in Newport, Rhode Island.
. . . John Cowsill's middle name is Patrick!
. . . Bob Cowsill has brown eyes and black hair.
. . . Bill Cowsill's fav drink is Fresca.
. . . Paul Cowsill prefers to dress casually.
. . . Barry Cowsill stands 5'1" tall and weighs 103 Ibs.
. . . John was born on March 2,1956 in Newport, Rhode Island.
. . . Bob's' full name is Robert Paul Cowsill.
. . . Bill's zodiac sign is Capricorn.
. . . Paul digs Chinese food—especially chicken chow mein.
. . . Barry's eyes are hazel and his hair is brown.
. . . John's 5'2" tall and weighs 100 lbs.
. . . Bob was born on August 26, 1949 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
. . . Bill has green eyes and brown hair.
. . . Paul's fav sports are football and basketball.
. . . Barry's nickname is "Bee Boy!"
. . . John has brown hair and brown eyes.
. . . Bob wishes he were older.
. . . Bill was born on January 9, 1948 in Providence, Rhode Island.
. . . Paul's 6'1" tall and weighs 150 lbs.
. . . Barry's middle name is Steven.
. . . John's zodiac sign is Pisces.
. . . Bob's 5'11" tall and weighs 155 lbs.
. . . Bill's the only married Cowsill. His pretty young wife was the former Karen Locke.
. . . Paul was born on November 11, 1951 in Portsmouth, Virginia.
. . . Barry's favorite foods are lobster, chicken and steak.
. . . John goes crazy over colorful shirts, tapered pants, sneakers, beach hats and watches.
. . . The Beatles and The Mamas and Papas are Bob's fav groups!
. . . Bill's middle name is Joseph. . . . Paul plans on becoming a gym instructor someday.
. . . Barry goes crazy if he misses an episode of "Star Trek." It's his favorite program.
. . . John thinks "Star Trek" is the greatest, too. He always watches his fav! .
. . . Bob's zodiac sign is Virgo.
. . . Bill stands 6'1" tall and weighs 150 lbs.
. . . Paul's fav color is purple. He wears it as often as he can!
. . . Barry drinks coke by the carload!
. . . The Beatles turn John on—especially when they sing "When I'm 64!"
. . . Sports cars are Bob's biggest passion—outside of his most special gals, of course!
. . . Bill generally sports slim pants, loafer shoes and wild ties. They're his fav kind of gear!
. . . Paul's zodiac sign is Scorpio.
. . . Give Barry a pumpkin pie and you'll see him smile!
. . . When John gets old enough to drive, he'd be happy behind the wheel of either a Mustang or a Cadillac!
. . . Bob's fav dinner consists of steak, French fries and plenty of Pepsi!
. . . Bill goes flippy over The Beatles ... and The Cowsills, natch!
. . . Bill says he's never been happier since he started to play trumpet for the group!
. . . Barry's clothes passions include casual shirts, groovy pants and derby hats!
. . . The thought of Italian food makes John's mouth water. Of course, it's his fav kind of food!
. . . Bob thinks The Smothers Brothers are the funniest guys around. You wouldn't catch him missing one of their shows!
. . . Bill's a sucker for strawberry shortcake!
. . . When Paul sings a song, he really belts it out. He's billed as the "soul brother" of the act!
. . . Barry likes to have fun in his spare time by playing hide-and-seek and football!
. . . John wants a motorcycle more than anything else in the world! Maybe someday he'll own one!
. . . Bob gets a tremendous feeling of pride and accomplishment from writing songs for the group.
. . . This is true of Bill, too. He says he was really floating when his first song was published.
. . . Paul Cowsill was very impressed by Italy on his recent trip there. He'd like to go back someday soon and see more of the country!
. . . Barry Cowsill can charm anything out of anyone—just by flashing one of his big, wide grins!
. . . John's favorite sport is basketball!
. . . Bob can usually be found wearing button-down shirts and weird belts!
. . . Bill has a tremendous desire to own a Chrysler boat-car!
. . . Paul's hair and eyes are both brown!
. . . Barry's zodiac sign is Virgo.
. . . John's fav dessert is lemon pie.
. . . Bob likes to take his dates to New York. He thinks N.Y. offers the biggest variety of fun things to do!
. . . Since Bill's the oldest member of the C's, he's accustomed to having his younger brothers and baby sister turn to him for advice.
. . . Paul thinks the family's twenty-two room mansion on top of one of the few Newport, Rhode Island hills is the greatest home in the whole world.
. . . Barry's a real ladies' man. All girls go crazy over him!
. . . John confesses his most embarrassing moment was when he showed off twirling his drum sticks and dropped them. He's mastered that trick now, though!
. . . Bob attends the University of Rhode Island. He'll probably major in math.
. . . Bill likes to spend quiet evenings at home with his wife Karen.
. . . Paul likes gals who are friendly, sincere and have something on the ball!
. . . Barry's an honor student at St. Augustine's School in Newport, Rhode Island. John goes there, too!
. . . John digs going out with girls who like to have a good time.
. . . Bob goes crazy when the group is on tour and the hotels they stay at don't have spaghetti.
. . . Bill admits he often says things he shouldn't. He's a terribly honest person and can't help but say things that are on his mind!
. . . Paul says he wouldn't trade his big happy family for any other. In his book, they're tops!