The Cowsills In Books

Play It On My Radio: A Diary In Music
by Giselle Renarde
Independent - August 9, 2021


Page 342:
Hair (The Cowsills)

My partner and I took a night walk last week. As usual, we checked out Saturn and Jupiter, which were bright in the night sky. I told him we were on the cusp of the Age of Aquarius, as those planets will be entering Aquarius in December.

He doesn't believe in astrology, but he asked me about it nonetheless.

I'm no expert in astrology, Being an Aquarius, I'm mostly interested in what makes Aquarians tick. I told my partner that we Aquarians have a reputation for being self-involved. Strangely, we're also considered the humanitarians of the zodiac. We'll fight for human rights on a global scale, but we're not so interested in actual individual humans.

When my partner heard that, he started quoting from the song Easy to be Hard, which has previously been a song of the day here on the blog. That song is about "people" (Aquarians?) who care about strangers and social injustice, but aren't there for their friends and let down their loved ones.

After reciting lyrics from Easy to be Hard, my partner asked me, "Isn't that song from Hair, too?"

Of course I HEARD those words rather than reading them so I interpeted his question as, "Isn't that song from Hair Two?" I was like ...hmmm ... I did't know Hair had a sequel. Luckily, I figured out I'd misinterpreted his question before making a total fool of myself.

My partner kept talking, but I spent the whole time trying to think of a good name for a Hair sequal.

The title I came up with was Hair II: HAIR We Go Again!

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