The Cowsills In Books

Eating Corn Through a Picket Fence: A Levittown Veteran's Story
by Helen Barbara Joan Fausel Harvey
Xlibris Corporation May 2003


on Page 73:

With the piano and the candlestick lamps also came – the new piano teacher. He was an older guy who tried to look young. He wore suits with turtlenecks and shiny shoes. He seemed nice and he knew rock and roll. The first piece he brought with him for me to play was "The Rain, The Park and Other Things" by the Cowsills. It was one of my favorites. I had been saved! I had dreamed of playing the top songs and even singing. Maybe I could even be in a band. How else was I going to meet Paul McCartney? It was going to be sooooooo great! This teacher even said that he like to take his students on trips!

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