Note: Translated for Portuguese using online translator.
Page 231:
The family is re Mi. The Sol La si family. The Cowsills. A quartet of smiling children with bell bottoms called Kolor Krew.
Page 461:
She heard me playing the cello in the Essex Academy orchestra and thought I was some kind of Pablo Casals, which says a lot about her ear. Immediately, he called my mother, whom he knew from school activities, teas at the Wilshire Country Club, more acquaintances than friends. Amelia told my mde that she was putting together a family band, like the Familia Dé Ré Mi, the Cowsills, the Carpenters. My hair made me ideal for the role, I obviously had talent, and the bass was just another form of cello, right?
Page 462:
And ill-timed. The Cowsills? I liked Big Brother and the Holding Company. I went into this in the hope that something would happen and I might miss class.