Fan Club Newsletter

Cowsill Chronicle



BARBARA being presented with a bouquet of flowers on tour this past summer.


From Left: BOB, JOHN, PAUL and BARRY Cowsill in Virginia Beach, GA. Photo courtesy of Gail Moyer.


(Continued from page #6)

Dear Barbara,

I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name, but I call all of my friends by their first names and I consider you my friend.

Everyone has good points and I admire my friends for theirs. You have one of the best qualities found. You have the gift of entertainment and you share this gift with millions of people around the world. You have shown people everywhere the happiness that can be found in a happy family. Best of all you have raised a beautiful family with love and you have shared this love iwth everyone you have met. On this, Mother's Day, I'd like to thank you for making the world a little bit better with your love.

Marilyn Kiernan
New York

Dear Marilyn,

Thank you for the beautiful letter. I'm glad tht we all have had the opportunity, thanks to many people too numerous to mention, to entertain you and bring a little happiness to you.

Barbara Cowsill


Dear Subar,

I can just bet that you're the first dog to receive a letter! I know it sounds stupid to a dog, but I've written to all the Cowsills except you so I decided, "I'll writ Subar!"

Since Susan is probably reading this, I'd like to address a few questions to her:
1) How do you feel when older guys bug you a lot?
2) What kind of girls does John like?
3) How long did it take you to name Subar?

I know that you named it for you and your mom, but did you really think it up?

This letter is probably the laugh of the day, but if it even rates that much, I'll be happy enough!

Thanks for making my life more happy and bright!

Theresa Pancar

Dear Therese,

In answer to your questions, I really feel bad when older guys bug me but isn't that the way all girls feel? No one really likes to be bugged I don't think. As for John, he likes almost any kind of girl, especially if she's good-looking and has a good personality. Finally, it took us about two weeks to name Subar. No one of us came up with the name. It was kind of a family project. I would just like to mention that the correct way to spell our dog's name is S-U-B-A-R. When you pronounce it, the R is silent!

Sue Cowsill


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