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Gabriel & Leah (Garner) Eades

Gabriel Eades was born February 10, 1787. Where he was born is up for grabs. I've found Bedford Co., Virginia or Wayne Co, KY or Charlette, Mecklenburg County, NC. On Oct. 27, 1808, in Wayne County, Kentucky, Gabriel married Leah Garner who was born about 1793 in Tennessee. Gabriel died in 1850 in Arkansas and Leah died about November 05, 1862 in Pope County, Arkansas.

Gabriel was one of the first pioneers to settle Hardin Co., Tenn. In 1823 he applied and was granted the right to keep an ordinary (tavern). Gabriel owned considerable land there.

Gabriel was granted the first apprenticeship bond in Hardin County in 1821. He paid $200 to teach Elijah Eldridge the blacksmith's trade. Hardin County in 1820 was described as a tree covered and wolf infested land. The men were described as rough and ready frontiersman.

Centennial History of Arkansas’s article on their son Jacob says of the family: “About 1840 he came to Van Buren county, Arkansas, making the trip overland with oxen, and he entered several hundred acres of timber land which he soon cleared and put in cultivation. He put up a log house and other improvements and became one of the successful agriculturist in the community. In t6hat early day Lewisburg was the nearest trading post and each trip for provisions required several days. The settlers had their own spinning wheels and they made all of their clothing” I’m not totally sure who this is refrence to. It says “paternal grandfather, but that would be Charles who died in Kentucky.

About 1848 the Eades family sold everything and moved to Arkansas. Gabriel and Leah Eades moved to Searcy County living there for a short time before moving on to Conway County. Jacob Eades and his sister and brother-in-Iaw, Albert and Maria (Eades) Parks, moved to Van Buren County.

Gabriel and Leah had seven known children (some sources say there were 13 children):
Jasper Eades born in 1809 in Wayne County, Kentucky
Charles Eades born in 1811 died in 1860
Henry J. Eades born in 1819 Wayne County, Kentucky
Gabriel Eades was born 1823 died August 20, 1861.
Jacob Allen Eades was born in January 1828 in Savannah, Hardin Co., Tennessee died August 5, 1918.
Maria Nancy E.B. EADES was born 1829 and died 1860.
Lewis H. B. Eades was born 1833 in Hardin Co, Tennessee died 1860

Land records - Pope County













Deed - Pope County

Book H

Page 253&254

Pope County

Know all men by these presents that we Leah Eades, Charles H. Eades, Henry G. Eades, Jacob Eades and Lewis H. Eades (by his guardian) A.M. Parkes and Mariah E. Parkes of the County of Pope and Van Buren in the state of Arkansas in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars to us in hand paid by Ann Eades of Pope County in the state aforesaid (he receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) do hereby give grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Ann Eades all of our right title claim and interest in and to the following described Tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in the county of Pope, State aforesaid bounded described as follows to wit the south west qtr of the south west quarter of section no. Twenty-three, Township No nine north of Range No Twenty containing forty acres with all the privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging.

To have and to hold the aforegranted premises to the said Ann Eades her heirs and assigns in fee simple forever and we the said parties of the first part do covenant with the said Ann Eades her heirs and assigns that we are lawfully seized in fee of the foregoing premises that they are free from all encumbrances that we have a good rights to sell and convey the same to the said Ann Eades as aforesaid that we will and our heirs executes and administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the said Ann Eades her heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons & testimony whereof we the said Leah Eades, Charles H. Eades, Henry G. Eades, Jacob Eades & Lewis Eades (by his guardian) have hereunto set our hands and seals this thirteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty four.

Atts: W.L. Poynter witness

For C H Eades & Gabriel Eades             signed: C H Eades{seal}
                                                                  Gabriel his X mark Eades {seal}
                                                                  Jacob Eades {seal}
                                                                  A M Park {seal}
                                                                  Myrah Elizabeth her X mark Parks {seal}

References: Van Buren County, Arkansas Biographies
Pope County Arkansas Land Records
Donnie Pickard's Eades Biography

Gabriel and Leah's Marriage Record
Gabriel Eades Land Record