First Cowsill Fan Club Book

Spelling done as on page


NAME Barry Cowsill           BIRTHDATE September 14, 1954
HEIGHT      5'1"      WEIGHT      110      
COLOR OF HAIR      Brown      COLOR OF EYES      Hazel
HOW & WHEN DID YOU JOIN THE GROUP      As soon as my talent was discovered I was put in the group.     
WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE COWSILL      any Cowsill in the world that I must     
WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRAVEL      sure     WHERE      Paris and Rome     
AS A TOURIST OR PERFORMER      Paris and Rome (don't care how I go)     
IF YOU COULD HAVE A SINGLE WISH GRANTED, WHAT WOULD IT BE      I would wish that I owned the best yacth in the world!     
DESCRIBE YOUR HAPPIEST MONENT      I was born and live 13 years so far     
DESCRIBE YOUR WORST FRIGHT      when I did something wrong and never told it     
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD      lobster, turkey, steak, etc. etc. etc.     
CAN YOU COOK      Yes     WHAT     everything I was taught     
DO YOU CHEW GUM      not too often     DO YOU LIKE CANDY      sure do     
ARE YOU A LEFT OR RIGHTY      right-right-right     
DO YOU BELIEVE THAT THERE IS LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS      maybe planets think the same about us.     
ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS      noooo!     DO YOU DREAM      I think so.     
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR      rasberry red     
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTOR      Sidney Poiter     ACTRESS      Julie Andrews     
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE      Charlie Chaplin     TV SHOW      The Little Rascals     
DO YOU ENJOY READING      yes     WHAT KIND OF BOOKS      good books     
DO YOU ENJOY LETTER WRITING      occasionally     
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPORT      swimming, football, skating     
DO YOU HAVE A HOBBY      reading books or playing my cello     
WHAT IS YOUR AMBITION      to have a typical family, with the typical home , and be a sargant     

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