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Published by the Presley/Preslar/Pressly Family Research Association

VOLUME IX      NO. 1                                          September 1993                                        Page one

Persons Named Bressler, Presler, Presley (Etc.)
Who Were Employed by the Federal Government
Submitted by Claire Prechtel-Kluskens

The information which follows was extracted from The Official Register of the United States for the years 1879 to 1905. The Official Register, which was published by the U.S. Government from 1816 to 1959, lists persons employed by the federal government. The 1816 to 1905 volumes contain the names of most employees and their birthplaces; the 1907 to 1959 volumes contain fewer names and less personal data. The 1879 to 1905 books consist of two volumes; volume 1 consists of non-postal employees and volume 2 consists of postal employees and contractors. The 1879 to 1905 volumes have name indexes; the other years are not indexed. Researchers can find The Official Register at large university, public, or research libraries, the Library of Congress, and the National Archives library.

The list below primarily consists of persons named Bres(s)ler, Bres(s)ley, Pres(s)ler/ar, and Pres(s)l(e)y. Possible variants of these names, such as Preisler and Prestele are also included. Bresee, Pressey, and Pursley are not included. The forename and/or surname of some persons were sometimes mispelled, such as M.H. Presley who also appeared as M.H. Presby, or David S. Presley whose surname was sometimes spelled Pressley or Pressly.

Further research on postmasters or post offices can be done using resources in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). NARA Microfilm Publication M-1131, Records of Appointments of Postmasters. October 1789-1832. contains the first returns of postmasters, 1789-1818(rolM)and establishments of post offices and appointments, 1814-1832 (rolls 2, 3, and 4). Entries are arranged alphabetically by post office on a national, not state, basis. NARA Microfilm Publication M- 841. Records of Appointment of Postmasters. 1832- September30.1971. shows the names of the post offices, dates of their establishment, discontinuance, and

(continued on page three)

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THE PRESLEY/PRESLAR/PRESSLY NEWSLETTER is a quarterly publication of the Presley/Preslar/Pressly Family Research Association and is distributed to members and to selected genealogical libraries, President is Sandra Kelly, address withheld. Vice-president is Patsy Cooley, address withheld. Treasurer is E.L. Singleton, address withheld.

Queries and items for publication should be sent to the Editor, Edwin C. Dunn, address withheld. They will be included in the Newsletter at no cost as space permits. Back issues of the Newsletter may be ordered from the Editor at $1.50 each (only three issues were in volume one).

Applications, checks, and renewals for membership should be sent to the Secretary, Carol Hicks, address withheld. Applications should be accompanied by family group sheets for the Presley (etc.) family line. Dues are $12 per year; associate membership (spouses) dues $5 per year, payable on July 1st. New members receive all back issues for the current membership year. Dues received after Fterch 1st will be applied to the following year beginning on July 1st.

Inquiries concerning material in the Association archive should be addressed to the Research Director, James E. Anderson, address withheld. They should be accompanied by two first-class postage stamps.


Here it is September, and I hope that all of you have had a good Summer and that the floods and droughts of the Summer of 1993 have not interrupted your lives too much. As the weather turns cooler, I hope that you will soon be thinking of a new season of genealogical research.

I want personally to thank all of you who were so prompt in sending in your renewals, ballots and questionaires. Not only are we most grateful to have you continue to share in the activity of our organization, but the information you provided will be helpful to us. I hope the membership list included with this issue will be helpful to you.

The lead article in this issue by Claire Prechtel-Kluskens is an example of information about our ancestors which can be found in •'unusual" sources. I ask all of you to be on the lookout for sources in your area or in pkces that you visit that may not be so commonly known about, or written about, in the genealogical "how-to" books. Share with us your discoveries. You may help to solve someone elses problem.

Finally, I wish especially to thank those of you who included a word of praise on your questionaires about our organization and/or newsletter. It's always a morale booster and encourages us to continue the work.

- Albuquerque Journal no date shown

Page 3

Persons Named Bressler ....

of name. It also shows the names and dates of appointment of postmasters, but not their length of service. These records are arranged alphabetically by State or Territory, thereunder by county, and thereunder by post office. NARA Microfilm Publication M-126. Post Office Department Records of Site Locations. 1837-1950. contains reports by postmasters which typically show the locations of post offices in relation to nearby post offices and transportation routes and facilities. Some reports show the locations in terms of legal land descriptions and/or on small grid maps of the vicinity of the post office. NARA Microfilm Publications can often be found at large university, public, or research libraries, as well as at the National Archives.

It may likewise be possible to obtain additional information about other civilian non-postal employees of the federal government. For information about possible research sources, write to Civil Reference Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408. For information about possible research sources for military personnel, write to the Military Reference Branch at the same address.

To conserve space, we have generally used the modern (1993) two-letter postal abbreviations for each state as well as other commonly used abbreviations. Other abbreviations are: v.=volume, p.=page, appt.=appointed, Cong. Oist.-Congressional District, Cty.=County, GER=Germany, PM=Postmaster, P.O.=Post Office, and QM-Quartermaster.

The persons listed below were employees of the Federal Government on June 30th of the year indicated. The dollar amount listed is the compensation the employee received for the fiscal year (1 July through 30 June) unless otherwise indicated. Postmasters received a commission on the amount of postage sold or collected.

BRESLER, DAVID N., 1893, v. 1, p. 143, Clerk .Customs Service, $1000, employed at World's Fair in Chicago, born in IN, appointed from IL.
BRE"?LTll>KF'd9°31 v '' p' 385'Seaman' QM'S DePl at iQr&'War Dept., $35 per month, employed at A. I. Sheridan, born in NY, appointed from San Francisco Cty., CA, 4th Cong. Dist.
BRESLER, FREDERICK U., 1899, v. 1, p. 264, Deputy Collector, Internal Revenue Service, NY State 14th District, $ 1110, employed at Albany, NY, born in GER, appt. from Albany, NY, 20th Cong Dist
BRESLER, G., 1883, v. 2, p. 576, PM, Huntersville, LycomingCty., PA, $30.66.
BRESLER, Z. G., 1885, v.2, p. 618, PM. McEwensville, Northumberland Cty., PA $304 17
BRESSLER, ALEX. H., 1899, v. 2, p. 124, PM, Raymond, Rice Cty., KS,$386.04
BRESSLER, ALEX. H., 1901, v.2, p.124, PM, Raymond, Rice Cty., KS, $427.58.
BRESSLER, ALEX. H., 1903, v.2, p. 131, PM, Raymond, Rice Cty., KS, $395.15
BRESSLER. ALEX. H., 1905, v. 2, p. 115, PM, Raymond, Rice Cty., KS, $416.97. BRESSLER, CHARLES, 1887, v. 1, p. 643, Trimmer, Central Branch, Nat'1 Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 33 and 1/3 cents per day, employed at Dayton, OH, born in GER, appt. from OH
BRESSLER, CHARLES, 1889, v. 1, p. 733, Storekeeper, Central Branch, Nat'1 Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, $ 144, employed at Dayton, OH, born in IL, appointed from OH
BRESSLER, CHARLES 1891, v. 1, p. 857, Storekeeper, Central Branch, Nat'J Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, $ 15 per month, employed at Dayton, OH, born in IL, appointed from OH

Page 4

BRESSLER. CLARENCE W., 1905, v. 2, p. 1662, Railway Postal Clerk, $800, employed at Council Bluffs, IA and Kansas City, MO, born in MO, appointed from Buchanan Cty., MO, 4th Cong. Dist.
BRESSLER. D. W., 1879, v. 2, p. 154, PM.Avoca, Benton Cty., Arkansas, $77.72.
BRESSLER, E. M, 1899, v. 2, p. 277, PM, Fairfield,GreeneCty.,OH, $231.65.
BRESSLER, G. B., 1881, v. 2, p. 686, Letter Carrier, Free Delivery System, $850, employed at Lancaster, PA, born in PA.
BRESSLER. G. B., 1883, v. 2, p. 772, Letter Carrier, Free Delivery System, $850, employed at Lancaster, PA, born in PA, appointed from PA.
BRESSLER, G. W., 1905, v. 2, p. 111, PM, Clayton, Norton Cty., KS, $436.26.
BRESSLER, GEHOD W., 1903, v. 2, p. 126, PM, Clayton, Norton Cty., KS, $318.
BRESSLER, GEO. W., 1893, V. 2, p. 794, PM, Hegins.Schuylkill Cty., PA, $188.80.
BRESSLER, GEORGE B., 1879, v. 2, p. 446, Letter Carrier, Free Delivery System, $736.25, employed at Lancaster, PA, born in PA.
BRESSLER, GEORGE B., 1885,v. 2, p. 823, Letter Carrier .Free Delivery System, $850, employed at Lancaster, PA, born in PA, appointed from PA.
BRESSLER, GEORGE W., 1895, v. 2, p. 308, PM, Hegins.SchuykillCty., PA, $191.03.
BRESSLER, H. Y., 1889,v. 2,p. 726, PM, Sinking Spring, Berks Cty., PA, $307.64.
BRESSLER, HENRY Y., 1891, V. 2, p. 755, PM, Sinking Spring, Berks Cty., PA, $261.75.
BRESSLER, HENRY, 1887, v. 2, p, 45, Mail Contractor, Route 46211, CA. Original contract pay— $525, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1886--$525, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1887—$525.
BRESSLER. HENRY, 1889, v. 2, p. 47, Mail Contractor, Star Service, Route 46211, CA. 0-*ainal contract pay--$525, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1887—$525, Total alloy ..j for fiscal year ended 30 June 1888—$525, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1888—$525, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1889—$525.
BRESSLER, HENRY, 1891, V. 2, p. 85, Mail Contractor, Star Service, Route 46211, CA. Original contract pay--$525, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1889—$525, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1890—$525.
BRESSLER, J. W., 1881 ,v. 2, p. 76, Mail Contractor, Route 38138 (employed from 1 Sept. 1879 to end of fiscal year), CO. Original contract pay—$420, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1879—$420, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1880--$349.24, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1880—$420, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1881--$420.
BRESSLER. J. W., 1883, v. 2, p. 47, Mail Contractor, Route 38138, CO. Original contract pay— $420. Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1881 --$420, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1882—$420.
BRESSLER, JOHN T., 1897, v. 1, p. 809, Government Director, Union Pacific Railway Co., $10 per day when actually employed and mileage at 10 cents per mile, employed "at large", born in PA, appointed from Wayne Cty., NE, 3rd Cong. Dist.
BRESSLER, JOHN T., 1899,v. 1, p. 1018, Government Director, Union Pacific Railway Company, $10 per day, born in PA, appointed from Wayne ay., NE, 3rd Cong. Dist. BRESSLER, JOHN W., 1887, v. 2, p. 53, Mail Contractor, Route 38162, CO. Original contract pay— $720, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1886—$720, Decrease during fiscal year ended 30 June 1887—$360, Total allowed during fiscal year ended 30 June 1887—$360.
BRESSLER, JOHN W., 1889, v. 2, p. 55, Mail Contractor, Star Service, Route 38162, CO. Original contract pay—$720, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1887—$360, Total allowed fiscal year ended 30 June 1888—$360, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1888—$360, Additional pay for fiscal year ended 30 June 1889--7.20, Decrease in pay for fiscal year ended 30 June 1889—$7.12, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1889—$35408
BRESSLER, JOHN W., 1891, Y. 2, p. 95, Mail Contractor, Star Service, Route 38162, CO. Original contract pay--$720, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1889—$273.60, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1890—$273.60.
BRESSLER, JOHN. W., 1905, v. 2, p. 1533, Substitute Mail Carrier, employed at Warriorsmark, PA, born in PA, appointed from Huntingdon Cty., PA, 17th Cong. Dist.

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BRESSLER, JONA., 1887, v. 2, p. 623, PM, Bunkerhill, Butler Cty., OH, $33.92.
BRESSLER, JONATHAN, 1895, v. 2, p. 274, PM, Bunkerhill, Butler Cty., OH, $25.45.
BRESSLER, M. 6., 1887, v. 2, p. 663, PM, Valley View, Schuylkill Cty., PA, $122.52.
BRESSLER, SAM'L, 1887, v. 2, p. 232, Mail Contractor, Route 8274, PA. Original contract pay— $374, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1885--$374, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1886—$374, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1886—$374, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1887—$374.
BRESSLER, SAMUEL, 1889, v. 2, p. 266, Mail Contractor, Star Service, Route 8274, PA. Original contract pay--$374, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1887--$374, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1888--$373.12, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1888— $374, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1889--$374.
BRESSLER, SAMUEL, 1891, V. 2, p. 256, Mail Contractor, Star Service, Route 8363, PA. Original contract pay--$330, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1889--$330, Total allowed for fiscal.year ended 30 June 1890--$330, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1890--$330, Total allowed fiscal year ended 30 June 1891 --$329.22.
BRESSLER, SAMUEL, 1893, V. 2, p. 278, Mail Contractor, Star Service, Route 8363, PA. Original contract pay--$330, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1891--$330, Total allowed for fiscal year ending 30 June 1892--$330, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1892--$330, Total allowed for fiscal year ended 30 June 1893--$318.62.
BRESSLER, SAMUEL, 1895.V. 2,p. 1144, Mail Contractor, Star Service, Route 10462, PA. Original contract pay--$295, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1893--$295, Total allowed fiscal year ended 30 June 1894--$295, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1894--$295, Total allowed fiscal year ended 30 June 1895--$293.12.
BRESSLER, SAMUEL, 1897, v. 2, p. 1063, Mail Contractor, Star Service, Route 10462, PA. Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1895: $295, Total allowed for fiscal year ending 30 June 1897--$590.
BRESSLER, V. S., 1905,v. 1, p. 316, Wheelwright, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept., $1500, employed at St. Michael, Alaska, born in IA, appointed from Polk Cty., Alaska, 7th Cong. Dist.
BRESSLER, YAL., 1885, v. 1, p. 251, Watchman, Office of Depot QMs, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept., $1.75 per day, em ployed at St. Louis, MO, born in GER, appointed from MO.
BRESSLER, VALENTINE, 1883, v. 1, p. 270, Watchman, Office of Military Storekeeper, Military Division of the Missouri, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept., $ 1.75 per day, employed at St. Louis, MO, born in GER, appointed from MO.
BRESSLER, VALENTINE, 1887,v. 1, p. 261 .Watchman, Off ice of Depot QMs, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept. ,$1.75 per day, employed at St. Louis, MO, born in GER, appointed from MO.
BRESSLER, VALENTINE, 1889, v. 1, p. 269, Watchman, Office of Depot QMs, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept, $1.75 per day .employed at St. Louis, MO, born in GER, appointed from MO.
BRESSLER. VALENTINE, 1891, v. 1, p. 286, Watchman, St. Louis Depot, Office of Depot QMs, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept., $ 1.75 per day, employed at St. Louis, MO, born in GER, appointed from MO.
BRESSLER. VALENTINE, 1893, v. 1, p. 314, Watchman, St. Louis Depot, Office of Depot QMs, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept., $ 1.75 per day, employed at St. Louis, MO, born in GER, appointed from MO.
BRESSLER, VALENTINE, 1895, v. 1, p. 312, Watchman, St. Louis Depot, Office of Depot QMs, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept., $ 1.75 per day, employed at St. Louis, MO, born in GER, appointed from St. Louis, MO, 10th Cong. Dist.
BRESSLER. VALENTINE, 1897,v. 1, p. 337, Watchman, Off ice of Depot QMs, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept., $1.75 per day, employed at St. Louis, MO, born in GER, appointed from St. Louis Cty., MO, 10th Cong. Dist.
BRESSLER, VALENTINE, 1901, v. 1, p. 398, Watchman, St. Louis Clothing Depot, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept., $ 1.75 per day, employed at St. Louis, MO, born in GER, appointed from St. Louis Cty., MO, 10th Cong. Dist.
BRESSLER, VALENTINE, 1903, v. 1, p. 376, Watchman, QM's Dept. at Large, War Dept., $1.75 per day, employed at St. Louis, MO, born in GER, appointed from St. Louis Cty., MO, 1 Oth Cong. Dist.
BRESSLER, WILLIAM H., 1879, v. 2, p. 87, Mail Contractor, Route 28381, MO, Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1896--$648, Total pay for fiscal year ending 30 June 1897--$648

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BRESSLER, Z. G., 1883, v. 2, p. 578, PM, McEwensville, Northumberland Cty., PA, $ 169.41.
BRESSLEY, T. C., 1885, v. 2, p. 465, PM, Medora, Warren Cty., IA, $89.14.
BRESTLE, JOHN J., 1903,v. 2, p. 922, Letter Carrier, $850, employed at Hackensack, NJ, born in NJ, appointed from Bergen Cty., NJ, 6th Cong. Dist.
PREISLER, J. C., 1887, v. 2, p. 652, PM, Landisburgh, Perry Cty., PA, $275.54.
PREISLER, JOHN S., 1891, v. 1, p. 191, Gauger, 5th District, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Dept., compensation--fees, employed in Jefferson Cty., KY, born in KY, appointed from KY.
PREISSEL, FRANCIS L., 1893, v. 1, p. 867, Assistant Librarian, Central Branch, Nat'1 Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, $ 10 per month, employed at Dayton, OH, born in GER, appointed from OH.
PREISSEL. LOUIS, 1891, v. 1, p. 848, Waiter, Central Branch, Nat'1 Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, $7 per month, employed at Dayton, OH, born in GER, appointed from OH.
PREISSLER, H.W., 1897, v. 1, p. 870, Corn and Wheat Observer (one observation per day during season, 1 April to 30 September), Weather Bureau, Dept. of Agriculture, 20 cents per day, born in KY, appointed from Shelby Cty., KY, 8th Cong. Dist.
PREISSLER, H. W., 1899,v. 1, p. 1094, Corn and Wheat Observer (one observation per day), Weather Bureau, Dept. of Agriculture, 20 cents per day, employed at Shelbyville, KY, born in KY, appointed from Shelby Cty., KY, 8th Cong. Dist.
PREISSLER, HENRY W., 1901,v. l.p. 1129, Corn and Wheat Observer (one observation per day from 1 April to 30 September), Weather Bureau, Dept. of Agriculture, employed at Shelbyville, KY, 20 cents per day, born in KY, appointed from Shelby Cty., KY, 8th Cong. Dist.
PREISSLER, J. S., 1881,v. 1, p. 101 .Storekeeper, Internal Revenue Service, $4 per day, employed at Lawrenceburg, KY, born in KY, appointed from KY.
PREISSLER, JOHN S., 1885, v. 1, p. 98, Gauger, 5th District, Internal Revenue Service, compensation—fees, employed at Louisville, KY, born in KY, appointed from KY.
PREISSLER, JOHN S., 1893, v. 1, p. 212, Gauger, 5th Dist., Internal Revenue Service, compenstion— fees, employed "in the district,"born inKY, appointed from KY.
PRERSLER, JOHN S., 1883, v. 1, p. 107, Gauger, 5th District, Internal Revenue Service, compensation—fees, employed at St. Louis, MO, born in KY, appointed from KY.
PRESBY, L. A. Jr., 188", v. 2, p. 773,'Clerk in P.O., $1200, employed at Boston, MA, born in NH, MA, born in NH, appointed from MA.
PRESBY, LORIN A., 1895, v. 2, p. 489, Clerk in P.O., $1200, employed at Boston, appointed from Suffolk Cty., MA, 7th Cong. Dist.
PRESBY M. H., 1883,v. 2, p. 407, PM, Castle Creek, Owyhee Cty., ID, $76.03.
PRESBY ,M. H., 1887,v. 2, p. 455, PM, Castle Creek, Owyhee Cty., ID, $103.16.
PRESLA, JACOB 1903, v. 2, p. 1289, Substitute Mail Carrier, Rural Free Delivery, employed at Hicksville.OH, born in OH, appointed from Defiance Cty., OH, 5th Cong. Dist.
PRESLAR.JOEL,, 1899, v. 2, p. 359, PM, Florence, Williamson Cty., TX, $405.97.
PRESLAR. JOEL, 1901, v. 2, p. 359, PM, Florence, Williamson Cty., TX, $530.36.
PRESLAR. MARSHALL, 1905, v. 2, p. 1544, Substitute Mail Carrier, employed at Dyersburg, TN, born in TN, appointed from Dyer Cty., TN, 9th Cong. Dist.
PRESLAR WILSON, 1905, v. 2, p. 1865, Mail Contractor, Star Service, Route 18710, NC. Annual pay for fiscal year beginning 1 July 1904—$300, Total allowed for fiscal year ending 30 June 1905— $300.
PRESLER, ALBERT, 1899, v. 2, p. 240 PM, Ingleside, Steuben Cty., NY, $ 129.62.
PRESLER, ALBERT, 1901, v. 2, p. 241 PM, Ingleside, Stueben Cty., NY, $ 171.93.
PRESLER, ALBERT, 1903, v. 2, p. 243 PM. Ingleside, Steuben Cty., NY, $ 104.72.
PRESLER, ALBERT', 1905,v. 2, p. 215, PM.Ingleside.SteubenCty., NY, $223.20.

(to be continued)

Consider that in Britain the Royal Mail delivers the post, not the mail, while in America the Postal Service delivers the mail, not the post.
Bill Bryson, The Mother Tongue

Page 7

1860 Census

(Ed. Note: Data from the 1860 census is given as follows: page, dwelling number/family number, name, age, sex, color, occupation, value of real estate/Value of personal property, birthplace.)


ALLEGAN COUNTY, Newark Twp., PO Saugatuck
113    757/721     Christopher Bressler      28  M  W  Farmer       /100    Germany

BARRY COUNTY, Thornapple Twp., PO Middleville
593    795/699     Rogena Presley            18  F  W                            OH
                      living with family of Isaac K. & Harriet Keeler

BAY COUNTY, Hampton Twp., PO Bay City
908    337/342     Solamon Presley           29  M  W  Laborer  1000/500         NY
                   Mitilda "                 25  F  W                      Scotland
                   Susannah "                 9  F  W                            MI
                   Elizabeth "                2  F  W                            MI
                   Caroline McKensie         22  F  W                       Germany 
                   Fred "                    17  M  W                       Germany

BAY COUNTY, Bangor Twp., PO Bay City
940    590/582     John Presley              22  M  W               /100         MI

BERRIEN COUNTY, Bertrand Twp., PO Niles
415   1301/1280    Susan Bressler            17  F  W                            PA

415   1304/1283    David Bressler            17  M  W  Farm Hand            Germany
                   Caleb "                   25  M  W  Farm Hand            Germany

415   1305/1284    Henry Bressler            23  M  W  Farm Hand                 PA
                   Sarah O. "                22  F  W                            PA
                   Elvira "                   1  F  W                            MI
                   Levi "  Bro.              21  M  W  Farm Hand                 PA

BRANCH COUNTY, Butler Twp., PO Butler
1035  1298/1314    Leonard Man               39  M  W  Farmer                    NY
                   Cornelia "                87  F  W                            NY                           
                   Almeda "                  12  F  W                            MI
                   Jane "                     9  F  W                            MI
                   Hannah "                  75  F  W                            NY
                   Cornelia Johnson          65  F  W                            NY
                   John Bresley              59  M  W  Farmer                    NY
                   Anna "                    49  F  W                            NY
                   Alvira "                  10  F  W                            MI

CALHOUN COUNTY, Albion Twp., PO Homer
92     708/697     William Presley           47  M  W  Cordwainer   900/300 England
                   Margaretta "              38  F  W                            NY
                   Frances D. "              18  F  W                            MI
                   Julius "                  13  M  W                            MI
                   Ida "                   2/12  F  W                            MI

Page 8

GRATIOT COUNTY, Newark Twp., PO Newark
115    127/127     Timothy Presley            36  M  W  Farmer    1000/50    England
                   Sarah "                    30  F  W                            OH
                   Emma "                      6  F  W                            OH
                   Chas. "                     4  M  W                            OH
                   Clarrisa "                  2  F  W                            OH
                   Walter "                 2/12  M  W                            MI

INGHAM COUNTY, Stockbridge Twp., PO Stockbridge 
 19     142/150    Wm Presley                 72  M  W  Farmer     2000/510  England
                   M. "                       54  F  W                            NY
                   R. "                       20  M  W  Farm Hand                 MI
                   M. J. "                    18  F  W  Teacher                   MI
                   J. "                       15  M  W  Farm Hand                 MI
                   J. "                       12  M  W                            MI

ST. CLAIR COUNTY, Kenockee Twp., PO Ruby
385   2006/1918    Enos Presley               30  M  W  Farmer     600/25         NY
                   Charlotte "                18  F  W                            NY
                   Maravin W. "             4/12  M  W                            MI

385   2007/1919    Louisa Presley             28  F  W                            NY
                   Cath "                     24  F  W                        Canada
                   Richard "                   6  M  W                        Canada
                   Harry "                     4  M  W                        Canada
                   Melvina "                   2  F  W                            MI
                   Louis M. "               5/12  M  W                            MI

457   12235/1226   Thomas Presley             42  M  W  Shoemaker  1000/500  England
                   Martha "                   36  F  W                       England
                   George "                   13  M  W                            MI
                   Oscar "                    10  M  W                            MI
                   William "                   8  M  W                            MI
                   Frank "                     6  M  W                            MI
                   Ada "                       1  F  W                            MI

WAYNE COUNTY, Van Buren Twp., PO Belleville
838      55/55     Daniel? Presler            33  M  W  Hotel          /300       NY
                   Esther "                   26  F  W                            NY
                   John "                     24  M  W  Laborer        /75        NY
                   Abram Spann                14  M  W                            MI
                   Henry "                    12  M  W                            MI

848     156/146    Abram Presley              63  M  W  Farmer     600/100        NY
WAYNE COUNTY, Detroit, 7th Ward
698     160/186    Silas Presley              44  M  W  Engineer  2500/500        OH
                   Mahala "                   38  F  W                            MI
                   Mandi? "                   15  F  W                            MI
                   Charles "                  11  M  W                            MI
                   Emily "                     9  F  W                            MI

818   1075/1189    Maria? Presley              8  F  W                            MI
                   Frank "                     6  M  W                            MI
                       living with Maria Little family

Page 9


619   1102/1210    Isaac Pressey           44  M  RR Agent        2000/           ME
                   Mary "                  35  F                                  CT
                   Martin "                12  M                                  CT
                   Elizabeth Elliot        75  F                                  -

386                Elizabeth E. Prestly   (record illegible)

                           NEW HAMPSHIRE

 48   324/371      Christian Presler       35  M  Stonecutter         /50   Sascony
                   Catheren "              36  F                            Sascony

623   210/210      Lorenzo D. Pressy       48  M               2000/450          NH
                   Mary "                  38  F                                 NH
                   Eugene "                14  F                                 NH

1085   1048/1080   John L. Pressey         50  M  Farmer        2500/1200        NH
                   Lydia M. "              33  F                                 NH
                   Daniel "                16  M  Farmer Laborer                 NH
                   John "                  14  M                                 NH
                   George H. "              3  M(?)                              NH

 257    278/279    Sarah Pressey           82  F                   200/100       NH

 272    416/423    Sallie Pressy           84  F                                 NH
                      living with Caleb Perry family

485     396/361     John Pressey           25  M  Farmer           2500/1554     NH
                    Hannah "               53  F                                 NH
                    Betsey "               22  F                                 NH

492     428/418     Betsey Pressey         67  F                                 NH
                        living with Samuel Davis family

496     470/454     Sarah Pressey          61  F                                 NH
                        living wtih Simeon Stevens Family

497     475/459     William Pressey        57  M  Farmer          1000/487       NH
                    Jesamiah M. "          58  F                                 NH
                    John M. "              19  M                                 NH

504        /525     Corlos G. Pressey      44  M  Merchant        4500/3000      NH
                    Mary N. "              43  F                                 NH
                    George H. "            18  M                                 NH

Page 10

1059    492/502     George Pressey         27  M  Sawman              /1300      NH

1081    698/704     Colvin Pressey         63  M  Shopkeeper          /200       -

1081    700/706     Albert Pressey         27  M  Pedler              /1000      NH
                    Alvira "               40  F                                 NH
                    Mary E. "              10  F                                 NH
                    Hiram A. "              7  M                                 NH
                    Elizabeth Kurt         86  F                                 MA

545     691/674     John L. Pressey        57  M  Farmer        1000/454         NH
                    Sarah "                54  F                                 NH
                    Sarah B. "             20  F                                 NH

273     442/455     Henry Pressy           21  M  Laborer                        NH

1041    400/409     Hiram Pressey          49  M  Farmer        1200/200         NH
                    Nancy G. "             45  F                                 NH
                    Celia "                16  F                                 NH

492     250/253     Harrison G. Pressey    39  M  Farmer            /3029        NH
                    Harriet "              33  F                                 NH
                    Ella M. "               8  F                                 NH
                    Orin T. "               6  M                                 NH

504     342/349     Thomas Pressey         45  M  Maste Tin Plate Worker 1000/   NH
                    Susan F. "             43  F                            1000 NH
                    Warren M. "            21  M  Tin Plate Wroker               NH
                    Julia A. "             16  F                                 NH
                    Myron T. "           4/12  M                                 NH

504     344/351     James Pressey          31  M  Grocer          100/600        NH
614     911/1141    Jonathan Pressy        56  M  Milliner       1400/1000       NH
                    Sorila "               42  F                                 NH
                    Tridelia "             18  F                                 NH
                    Georgia A. "           15  F                                 NH

1196     28/31      Nancy Pressey          50  F  Seamstress                     NH

1207    124/129     Hiram Pressey          57  M  Carpenter         350/150      NH
                    Hannah "               48  F                                 NH
                    Eliza A. "             21  F  Sewing Machine Operator        NH
                    Charles "              23  M  Shoemaker                      NH     

Page 11

914     433/488    Sylvester Pressey       48  M  Carpenter          800/50      NH
                   Betsey "                46  F                                 NH
                   Edwin "                 10  M                                 NH
                   Frank "                  8  M                                 NH
                   Willie "                 6  M                                 NH

578       /631     John Pressy             32  M  Shoemaker                      MA
                   Mary "                  30  F                                 VT
                   Lemuel H. "              1  M                                 NH

611    881/899     Betsy Pressy            95  F
                     living with Joseph G. Wood family

618    928/951     Charles W. Pressey      24  M  Milling          650/750       NH
                      living with Timothy Wellls family

618    930/953     Albert A. Pressey       16  M                                 NH
                      living with Samuel & Betty Ingalls

619    941/963     David Pressey           58  M  Farmer         2500/400        NH
                   Betsy "                 62  F                                 NH
                   George W. "             34  M                                 NH
                   Claraette "             17  F                                 NH
940  1177/1164     Thomas Priestly         45  M  Painter         1000/125   England
                   Betsey "                44  F                                 NH
                   Sarah "                 13  F                                 NH
                   Matilda "               19  F                                 NH
                   Alfred "                12  M                                 NH
                   Frank "                  3  M                                 MA

1850 Georgia Census

(Ed. Note: LaGroon Redman, 6517 Hiram Sudie Rd., Hiram, GA 30141 has found the following families in the US Census of Georgia which were not included in the census records in the Sept. 1988 issue (page numbers, family/house numbers not given).)

Pressley, Daniel       age 63        shoe & boot maker       b. NC
          Matilda          30                                   SC

Presley, McP.          age 23  M                             b. NC
                 in household of J(?). W. & S. Grant

Presley, John          age 25  M                             b. GA
         Margaret          23  F                                GA
         C.                 2  M                                GA

Page 12

Message From the President

Dear Fellow Members:
As the new President of the Presley/Preslar/Pressly Family Research Association, I wish to welcome you as members for 1993-94 and thank you for your past support for the Association. Your continued support is encouraged and any contribution you can make to the Newsletter will be appreciated.

I look forward to working with Ed Dunn and Carol Hicks, and wiH be expecting a great deal of help as this is the first time I have been an officer of an organization that works entirely by mail. I wish to extend best wishes to the past president, Lillian Stumpp, in her new interests and thank her for her contributions to the organization.

Genealogy is a rewarding and worthwhile hobby. Our search for our roots reminds us to appreciate the contributions made by those who have gone before us and helped shape who we are. It helps us to appreciate those who have left records and those who are now collecting and publishing those records, making them more accessible to all of us.

May we all have a successful year in our searching and in all our endeavors and help those whom we come in contact with to do the same.

Happy Hunting,
Sandra Kelly

Financial Report


Page 13


(Ed. Note: Lilla Licht, our researcher in Washington, DC, has begun to make abstracts of Civil War Union Pension Records. We originally listed these in the Vol. HI, No. 3 (Mar. 1988) through Vol. IV, No. 3 (Mar. 1989) issues of the Newsletter. These files are often quite large, contain much information, and require considerable time to read and make abstracts. We begin including some of these abstracts in this issue, and we would appreciate your comments as to whether or not you feel they are of sufficient general value to members to continue spending of our limited resources on this project. The abstracts are being presented in random order.)

Each file is different and is reflected by me different lands of information abstracted Information (b/m/d cert, etc.) that is capitalized, such as: MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE, are original documents in the file. The information given at the beginning of each pensioner is that which was shown on the file envelope. I didn't think it necessary to copy the full abbreviated military pension information that you have already published, since what I show identifies each pensioner. All the files had many pages of Medical Evidence which were reports of doctors from medical exams. I did not read these except to abstract the descriptive qualities, such as color of hair, eyes, weight, height, etc. These medical pages would be of interest to a descendant. I have remarked at the end of each abstract the number of pages in the file. If a descendant wants to order the complete file, I can so do it, or they can order the file directly from the National Archives, being sure to designate they want the Complete file, front and back sides of each page (except sides that are blank). The National Archives charges 30 cents a page plus cost of mailing; I charge 10 cents a page (my cost) plus my time and mailing costs.

Lilla M. Licht

Charles Presley
Co. B, 32 MO Inf. His name was actually Presley Charles, so file was not abstracted.

Arthur Lucius Presley
US Marine Corps, Co. D, US Field Arty.
Frank H. Presley
Co E, 31st MI Inf.
George W. Presley
Co. L, lst MS Inf.
George W. Presley
38th USV Inf/Co. A, 3rd TN Inf.

The four preceding files are still in the custody of the Veterans Administration. Presley descendants who want copies of these files can order them directly from the Veterans Administration.

Page 14

Cert. #925147 [Can #68129, bundle #7], widow Jane A.

Questionaire filled out by Charles L Presley, of Chardon, OH, 19 March 1915. Born: Mayfield, OH May 30, 1843. Served Co. C., 67 Reg't O.V.I, resided Willoughby, OH at enlistment. Wife's full name: Jane Alice Edick Presley. We were married Aug 25, 1863, at Willoughby, OH by Mr. C.H. Sharp, J.P. There is an offical record of our marriage at Paineville, OH. Neither he nor his wife were previously married. Wife still living. Children: Ella M. Fowler, b. Feb 8, 1866; Chris L Presley, b. Jan 1, 1868; Anna J. Roseman, b. May 30, 1872; Alvin C. Presley, b. Nov 25, 1864, now deceased.

M.L. Presley, age 69, of Chardon, OH testifies 13 Nov 1922 to their marriage.

CERTIFIED COPY OF MARRIAGE RECORD in file. Recorded Vol. D, p. 32, Record of Marriages, Lake Co., OH.

DEATH CERTIFICATE #6382, State of OH, Division of V.S., Columbus, OH - Chas. L Presley, died Twp. Kirtland, Lake Co., OH, Registration Dist No. 690, File No. 715, Primary Reg. Dist. No. 5029, Reg. #23335. He died Apr 16, 1922 of Cerebral Hemorrhage. He was a retired farmer and owned his own farm. Born May 30, 1843, Maysfield, OH, and was 78 yrs., 10 months, and 17 days old when he died. His father's name was Jeremiah Presley. his mother's name Diantha Hoffman. Place of birth of parents, unknown. Internment S. Kirtland. Undertaker: L.R. Davis & Co. buried: Apr 19, 1922. Informant: Mrs. Jane Presley, Willoughby, OH.

Declaration for Widow's pension. 4 May 1922, Jane Alice Presley, age 75, born Feb. 2, 1847, Russell, Grauga Co., OH widow of Charles L Presley who enlisted Dec 9, 1861 in Co. C, 67th Reg't O.V.I and was discharged June 25, 1862. States Charles died April 16, 1922, Kirtland, OH. Married soldier Aug 25, 1863, Willoughby, OH by Squire Sharp. Avalon L. Griswold and Anna Roseman both of Chardon, OH witnessed the Declaration.

Affidavits in application file of Charles L Presley include a Jerome N.B. Edick.

Declaration for Invalid Pension, 20 June 1866, Lake Co., OH. Charles L Presley, age 22, a resident of Willoughby, Lake Co., OH, was a private in Co. C, commanded by M.M. Spiegel in the 67th Reg't, OH vols., commanded by Col. Voris. He volunteered at Cleveland, OH 9 Dec 1861 for a term of 3 yrs and was honorably discharged at camp near Manassus, VA 25 June 1862. That while in said service and in the line of duty, "on the retreat from Port Republic to Front Royal, he was hurt in the left knee by being run over by a wagon splintering the bones - entirely disabling him from performing the duty of a soldier - He was treated by Dr. Forbes, Surgeon of 67th OH Vols. but was not sent to Hospital. The bones of his knee are still out of proper place and shape and he is disabled thereby from performing hard labor." Since leaving the service he has resided at

Page 15

Willoughby, Lake Co., OH. His occupation: farming. Witnesses were Homer B. and Catherine E. Nash of Willoughby.

8 Sept 1875, Charles L Presley sought increase in pension. He age 31, of Willoughby, Lake Co. Henry M. Mosher and James Brain were witnesses.

He did the same again 25 June 1881. He is now age 38, still of Willoughby, OH. Witneses were Lena M. Phillips and Jno. A Bormhardt of Cleveland.

24 Nov 1883, he applied again. He is now 39, still of Willoughby, OH. Witnesses were: Mattie G. Jordan and Frank A. Classman both of Cleveland, OH.

10 Sept 1887, he sought another increase. He is now age 44, of Chardon, Geunga Co., OH. Witnesses were: O.A. Mills and O.R. Parks of Chardon.

7 Jan 1890, Charles L Presley applied for an increase in his pension. He is age 47, a resident of Chardon, Geauga Co., OH. M.F. and C.H. Presley of Chardon, attest as witnesses .

6 June 1890, he is age 47, hgt 5-2 inches, complexion dark, dark hair, blue eyes. Still at Chardon, Geauga Co., OH.

15 Nov 1910, he again seeks an increase in his pension, he is age 67, still of Chardon. States he was age 18 when he enlisted. He embellishes his wounds telling in addition to being run over by a caisoon that, "at the battle of Winchester, he was injured in the head by the explosion of a shell near his head and has suffered with severe head aches continuously since said injury". Charles A. Wilmot and Katherine Cheney are witnesses to his signature.

His penison #111759.

CERTIFICATE OF DISABILITY FOR DISCHARGE in file. Statement of Dr. Dille, Cayahoga Co., OH. He says that he has known Charles L Presley since he was a child. "I knew his parents and have been their family physician." dated 21 Sept 1870.

Letter dated 30 Jan 1914 from the Bureau of Census to the Commissioner of Pensions. The following data is given: Willoughby Dist 85, Lake Co., Oh, Sept 10, 1850

PRESLEY: Jeremiah, age 41; Diantha, 38; Eliza F., 19; Martha, 15; Caroline, 17; Maria 13; Charles, 11; Annis, 04. Kirtland, Lake Co., OH June 30, 1860:

PRESLEY: Jeremiah 52,; Diantha, 49; Charles, 16; Anice, 14; Almira 07; Leander Parksman, 33; Eliza Parkman, age 30; Christania Parkman, age 07.

Letter dictated by Charles L Presley to the Commissioner of Pensions dated 10 Jan 1914. He provides the following family information: "My parents were Jeremiah Presley and Diantha Samantha Presley... I had five sisters whose names and residence are herewith given as follows: Caroline Elsworth, resides in Chester, Grauga Co., OH; Martha Chapman who resided at Solon, Partage Co., OH. Maria Presley Goff who resided in Willoughby, Lake Co, OH and in Detroit, Michigan. Annas Presley, Almira Presley unmarried sisters

Page 16

and resided in Willoughby, Lake Co., OH." His address at the writing of this: Willoughby, Lake Co., OH, RFD#2.

Declaration filed 25 May 1812 shows him living at Chardon. Elizabeth Reynolds and Catherine Cheney are witnesses.

27 July 1914, he is back in Chadron.

In Declaration filed 28 Sept 1921 , he states since leaving the service he has resided at Wiloughby, OH 1862-1890; Morgan, OH 1890-1892; Chardon OH 1892-1921. Witnesses were John Bowman, and Mrs. Ida Bowman of Chardon, OH RD#3.

Jane A Presley died 42 Ridge Road, Willoughby, OH Nov 19, 1932. (report of Accounting Division, Pensions). Charles L Presley died April 16, 1922, Kirkland, OH.

Jane A Presley was granted a pension which commenced May 6, 1922 at $30/mo. She is shown age 80 - letter dated 27 Sept 1926. [TOTAL PAGES 174]

t780478 [Can #16175, bundle #58] Private, Co. D, 13 - Co L 6 NY Vol. H. Art'y.

Declaration for Invalid Pension dated 22 Aug 1891. Ashbel G.H. Presley, age 52 yrs a resident of the village of Bath, Steuben Co., NY. States he was enrolled on the 10 June 1861 in Co. 34th Reg't NY Vols, private and was discharged June 30, 1863 at Albany, NY. Reinlisted July 29, 1863 in Co. D, 13th NY H. Art'y. Transferred to Co. L, 6th NY H. Art'y and was honoably discharged at Washington, D.C. on 24 Aug 1865. That he is totally unable to earn a support by reason of rheumatism, heart disease, dyspepsia and nervous prostration.

12 June 1909, Ashbel sought a new pension under the Act of 1907. In this Declaration he provides further information on himself. States he is 5-9 inches tall, dark complexion, hazel eyes, black hair. Occupation: a printer. That he was born June 12, 1839, at Scriba, Oswego Co., NY. His several places of residence since leaving the service have been as follows: "principally through the eastrn states Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont...". He is now a pensioner and his post office address is Soldiers Home, Bath, Steuben Co., NY.

18 May 1912 another Declaration for Pension was filed. At this time Ashbel was living Herkimer, Herkimer Co., NY. He states his various residences since leaving the service as being : Watertown, Albany, New York City, Springfield, MA and Herkimer, NY.

A fourth Declaration for Pension was filed 11 June 1927. At this time Ashbel G.H. Presley is living Columbia Falls, Flathead Co., Montana. He states he has resided here since December, 1917 as a member of the Montana Soldier's Home with the exception of the period between October 5, 1926 and May 21, 1927. At this time he is age 88.

1 Feb 1917, Ashbel wrote a letter from the Central Hotel, Kalispell, Flathead Co., Montana in which he states in part,

Page 17

"Upon coming here from the Southern branch National Soldier's Home, VA,..." The letter is a complaint to the Bureau of Pensions concerning papers left with Co. Auditor C.J. McAllister. Mr. McAllister replied to a letter sent to him by the bureau which says in part, "Mr. Presley on Oct 2nd applied to me for relief claiming that he was destitute and had just arrived from Fort Munroe, W. VA, expecting to gain admission to the Soldier's Home located about fifteen miles from Kalispel near the town of Columbia Falls, and that he had been rejected on the ground that he was a non resident of the state...".[However, it is apparent that Ashbel gained admittance to the Home.]

10 Nov 1922 a letter stating that Ashbel was admitted to the Pacific Branch National Home for D.V.S., National Soldiers Home, Sawtelle, California Oct 12, 1922.

Card from Montana Soldiers Home, Columbia Falls, signed by W.B. Harlan, Commandant, C.W. Swaney, Adjutant (officer in charge) states that Ashbel F.H. Presley died April 20, 1928.

Medical record in file shows that Ashbel at age 52 weighed 139 pounds. [TOTAL PAGES 64]

Cert. # 791175, [Can #16366, Bundle #28] Co. K 9 NY Vol. Inf. Private.

Declaration for Pension, 3 Oct. 1890. Benjamin Presley age 55 yrs, a resident of Whitehall, Washington Co., NY, was enrolled on the 4th May 1861 in Co. K 9th Reg't NY Vols. for two years. He was discharged at New York City 20 May 1863. He states, "that he is almost totally disabled by reason of the loss of his right arm about four inches from the shoulder joint; was run over by the cars about 18 years ago in New York City."

1892 General Affidavit of Benjamin Presley in which he explains the loss of his arm. He states he lost his arm by being run over by a dummy engine on the Second Avenue Railroad near 96th St in New York City about eight or nine o'clock on Sunday evening (just after dark) in the summer of 1870 or 1871. "Deponent and his brother-in-law Joseph Straham were crossing the easterly track to take a down town car on the unsteady track. Deponent was perhaps 20 or 25 feet behind his brother-in-law, he crossed in safety, but the dummy engine just then came along running I should think 10 or 12 miles an hour without any head light, bell or whistle. I was struck on the left side whirled around knocked down. My right arm was run over and crushed nearly to my shoulder...was taken to Bellview Hospital that night where I remained three weeks and five days and then went home. Was living with my wife's mothers folks...".

Medical report shows that he was 5-6^ inches tall; wgt 119 pounds.

Benjamin died May 14, 1901. His original pension paper is in file showing that his pension commenced 8th Oct 1890 for loss of right arm.

Questionaire answered by Benjamin 44 May 1898 wherein he states he has never married and has no children. [17 pp]

Page 18


Lowell Woolsey
address withheld

I am interested in the Pressleys in Kentucky. My great-grandmother was Martha Elizabeth Pressley, b. 1872 in Webster Co., KY. Her father was Jesse Pressley, b. 1837. He was born in Tennessee. I would appreciate any help on this family.

(Ed. Note: I think I have determined that your Jesse Presley is the one listed in the 1850 census of Hopkins Co., KY (which adjoins Webster Co.) in the household of Levi Presley. The listing is as follows:

page 183     536/636     Levi Presley        age  43  M  Farmer   b. TN
                         Susan "                  26  F              TN
                         Carline "                14  F              TN
                         Jesse "                  11  M              TN
                         Pauline "                10  F              TN
                         Sara "                    9  F              TN
                         Julia "                   6  F              TN
                         Mary "                    4  F              TN
                         John "                    2  M              TN
                         Susanna "                 1  F              TN

This would seem to indicate that the family moved to Kentucky (prob. Hopkins Co.) between 1848 & 1849. Levi Presley is believed to have married Susan Carter, b. 1824 in McMinn Co., TN, the daughter of Jesse Carter.

The 1840 census of Tennessee indicates that Levi Presley was head-of-household in Monroe County (which adjoins McMinn Co.). The household had one male age 30-40;'one male under age 5; one female age 20-30; two females under age 5. Susan could have been a second wife, or there could be an error in her stated age.

John Presley, b. 1748 in Rowan Co., NC, was a Revolutionary War soldier who was living in Monroe Co., TN, in 1833 when he applied for a pension from the US government. His pension application stated that after the war he resided in Mecklenburg Co., NC, Rowan Co., NC, Kershaw Co.. SC, and in TN to be near his children, "living some times in No Car and sometimes in Tennessee." I think Levi Presley might have been a grandson of John, but we don't yet know the names of all the sons of John.)

The name of the new world, America, is taken from Americus Vespucius, a Latinized form of Amerigo Vespucci, a semiobscure Italian navigator, who lived from 1454 to 1512 and made four voyages to the New World without ever seeing North America. A mapmaker, Martin Waldesmuller, who thought Vespucci had visited both continents, put his name on the map and removed it when he learned of the error, but the name stuck. Vespucci himself preferred the name Mundus Novus, "New World." If his preference had prevailed, we might today be called Mundus Novians, and the U.S.A. might be called the U.S.M.N.
Bill Bryson, The Mother Tongue

Page 19

Union County, North Carolina, Kin

Part 6 - Helms Connections (continued)

(Ed. Note: James E. Anderson offers the following response to the questions raised in the last issue regarding the family of Helms Broom.)

I would like to help as much as possible, since I have already done quite a bit of research in this county for the Presley-Preslar lines. In answer to these questions, I direct your attention to the will of Joel Preslar, who was a son of Levi and Anna. It mentions two of the children of Helms [Broom] without using his name. The final proof comes from the guardian records, Film #590449, page 89. It states "Jacob L. Broom appointed guardian of Tabitha, John W., Wilson M., and Levi E. Broom, the orphans of Helms Broom. Securities were Alien Broom, Noah Broom and it was dated Oct. 1844." The land records of [Union County], North Carolina, also help, since most of the heirs of Levi Preslar sold their share of the inheritance to John W. Preslar, a son of Levi.

1860 Ohio Census

(Ed. Note: Claire Prechtel-Kluskens, 2602 Ryegate Lane, Alexandria, VA 22308 offers the following corrections to the census data of Lake Co., OH, published in the last issue. She works at the National Archives and states that with careful study it is possible to accurately read the "light" handwriting in the record.)

LAKE COUNTY, Willoughby Township
291   926/844     Jeremiah Presley      52  M  Farmer           2400/800     NY
                  Diantha "             49  F                                NY
                  Charles "             16  M                                OH
                  Anice "               14  F                                OH
                  Almira "               9  F                                OH
                  Leander Parker        33  M  Farmer Laborer                OH
                  Eliza "               30  F                                OH
                  Christania             7  F                                OH

291   930/887     John Presley          57  M  Farmer           4500/1500    NY
                  Jane "                46  F                                NY
                  Asbury "              25  M  Farmer                        OH
                  Nancy "               21  F                                OH
                  Franklin "          1/12  M                                OH
                  Maria "               12  F                                OH

When you are overwhelmed, where is the whelm that you are over, and what exactly does it look like? Why can we be overwhelmed or underwhelmed, but not just whelmed?
Bill Bryson, The Mother Tongue

Page 20


Elizabeth Bressler Bunting, our former vice-president, has recently published two very scholarly and well-documented articles on the Bressler families of Pennsylvania.

The first is "The Bresslers/Presslers of Niederhochstadt", which appeared in Mennonite Family History, vol. XI, no. 1 (Jan. 1992), pp. 33-38. This article covers the family of Hans Valentin Pressler, b. abt. 1669/70, d. 1736, which settled in Lancaster Co. upon arrival in Pennsylvania in 1749 from the village of Niederhochstad/Pfalz. They remained there until after the Revolutionary War.

The second article is "The Bressler/Pressler Family of Niederhochstadt/Pfalz and Berks County, Pennsylvania" which was published in Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, vol. XXXVH, no. 4 (1992), pp. 341-366. This article lists four generations of the Hans Georg Pressler family which also arrived from Niederhochstadt in 1749, but settled in Berks Co., Pennsylvania.

Copies of these two articles have been provided by Betty and are in our Association archives.

Nashville, TN—Records of Ervis Presley's autopsy will be re-examined as a result of a suit by the Shelby County Commission to force the state to reopen the investigation into the cause of the singer's 1977 death. An independent forensic pathologist will be allowed to look at the reports to try to settle the controversy as to whether the death was due to heart disease or to a drug overdose. The County Medical Examiner ruled in 1977 that he died of heart disease, but a pathologist who took part in the autopsy has said a mixture of prescription drugs killed the singer. The review is limited to an analysis of the autopsy records and there are no plans to exhume Presley's body.
-Albuquerque Tribune, 24 June 1993

Federal Express Corporation, based in Memphis, Term., has said that Carole A. Presley, senior vice president, marketing and corporate communications, is resigning in September to start a consulting firm. Ms. Presley, who has worked at Federal for 17 years, is known for handling the company's response to union organizing and for beefing up advertising and marketing during much of the past decade. Ms. Presley and observers said that her departure wasn't affected by the decision of the company's pilots to unionize earlier this year. She said she's leaving now because "I have the financial well-being to try something IVe always wanted to do." Ms. Presley, 44, is leaving for Tampa, Fla., where she plans to start a marketing consulting firm. She will consult for Federal Express two or three days a week, she said.
-The Wall Street Journal, 3 June 1993

Here are some old words that perhaps should be brought back into use: Shiberdegullion is a seventeenth century word which signifies a worthless and slovenly fellow. Ugsome is a late medieval word meaning loathsome or disgusting.
Bill Bryson, The Mother Tongue

Page 21


Tupelo, Miss. (AP) — The New York Mets have made Kirk Presley, a third cousin of Elvis, the eighth pick in Thursday's amateur draft, and possibly their next king of the mound. Presley, 37-1 in his Tupelo High School career with an 0.60 ERA, also is a star quarterback and has signed a football scholarship with Mississippi State. The Mets would need a room at the Heartbreak Hotel if Presley decides to attend Mississippi State, but he said that's unlikely. Td be stupid not to (go to the Mets) if the money is right, "he said. Tm looking forward to being a Met."

Presley, 15-0 this past season with 161 strikeouts in 97 innings, wasn't expected to be selected until the second round, but the right-hander said his lofty position in the draft wasn't a surprise. "We pretty much expected it after talking to the Mets people (Wednesday night)," the 18-year-old Presley said. "They told us if I was still around by No. 8, Td be their pick."

"We're very happy to have selected a superb athlete like Kirk," Mets assistant vice president Gerry Hunsicker said. "He has a fine arm and has the potential to be an outstanding major leaguer one day."

You wouldn't know Presley is related to the hip-gyrating Elvis from talking to him. While EMs would thrill the crowd with his showy outfits and lavish style, the quiet Kirk will do his talking with his pitching. "He's not real flamboyant at all" his father James said.

He'd rather talk about his humming fastball than about EKis' humming guitar. "He likes EKis and his singing, but every day you're faced with it to some degree," Kirk's father said Thursday while his son was out celebrating with friends. "It's not that we're displeased to be related to EKis, but it becomes a bother at times." Presley was 2/1 years old when EKis died, grew nip in the shadow of the birthplace of the King of rock 'n' roll but never met his cousin.
--Albuquerque Journal, 5 June 1993

The Presley/Preslar/Pressly Press

(Ed. Note: Janet W. White, 25 Lewis Lane, Fair Haven, NJ 07704 has shared these cemetery inscriptions from Cedar Spring Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Greenwood Co., SC (formerly in old Abbeville Co., SC), compiled by Wilma Copeland Kirkland and Lucille Loden Morrow and published by Old Ninety-six Chapter of the South Carolina Genealogical Society.)

p. 3. Section 2 (right side of church), row 5
Dessie Whetstone Pressly, w/o Ilarlan David Pressly, b. Apr. 14, 1871, d. Mar. 13, 1966
Harlan David Pressly, s/o Dr. Joseph L. & Tallulah Frazier Pressly, b. July 5, 1858, d. Dec. 29, 1907
George W. Pressly, s/o H.D. & D.D. Pressty, no dates, small grave
Martha Frazier Pressly, d/o Harlan & Dessie Pressry, Feb. 27, 1901
William Tatum Bradley, b. May 10, 1854, d. Aug. 'l8, 1908
Fannie Pressley Bradley, b. Jury 21, 1856, d. Oct. 5, 1942

p. 9. Section 5 (front of church, middle)
Tallulah Hazeltine Frazier Pressly, d/o James Wrighl & Elizabeth WTiite Frazier, w/o

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Joseph Lowry Pressry, b. Dec. 22, 1832, d. Apr. 23, 1919
Nellie Pressly, b. Apr. 3, 1862, d. Apr. 10, 1938
Joseph Lowry Prcssry, s/o George W. & Isabella Hearst Pressry, A Beloved Physician. Confederate Marker, Asst. Surgeon C.S. A. 1862. First Charleston Battn. Oct. 1863. Surgeon Major 27 SC Reg. Hagood's Brig. Lee's Army. Siege Petersburg Wilderness Campaign. Paroled Greensboro May 1, 1865. b. Aug. 5, 1829, d. Jury 6, 1900
Charles P. Pressry, Teacher, Lawyer & Diplomat-both home and abroad, b. Jury 14, 1860, d. Oct. 1, 1945

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Minnie Luluh Pressry, d/o J.L. & T.H. Pressry d. May 30, 1873, aged 5 yrs. & 7 mos.
Sallie Lavina Pressly, d/o J.L. & T.A. Pressly d. Oct. 2, 1872, aged 6 yrs. & 6 mos.
Dr. George W. Pressly. Received degree of M.D. in Univ. of Penn. 8 Apr. 1824. Ruling Elder of Cedar Spring and Long Cane for 33 yrs. b. Feb. 9, 1803, d. Dec. 29, 1890
Isabella Pressly, b. 30 Nov. 1858, aged 52 yrs. 8 mos. & 2 days
Frances Pressry, aged 10 yrs. & 13 days
Annie Louisa Pressly, d/o Dr. & Mrs. J.L. Pressly b. Jan. 16, 1877, d. Oct. 19, 1879
Louisa Pressry, aged 2 yrs. & 67 days
Sarah C. Pressly, aged 3 yrs., 9 mos. & 18 days
James M. Pressly, aged 5 yrs. 6 mos. & 6 days
David M. Pressly, aged 11 mos. & 15 days
Johm Mason Pressly s/o John T. & Jane H. Pressly d. 5 Dec. 1821, age 10 mos.
David Pressly, d. 23 Sept. 1818, aged about 62 years.

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Jane Pressly Hearst d. 6 Sept. 1828. aged 66 years

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Elizabeth Pressley. d/o H.D. & D.D. Pressley b. Feb. 18, 1899, d. Sept. 20. 1903