Based on a list of wedding guests, I have tried to identify those in this photo.
1 Wilson Presley
2 Lillie Webber Presley
3 Althea or Cordelia Webber ( I think 3 is Cordelia though.)
4 Other of 3
5 Minnie Cooper Webber
6 Leon Strawhorn
7 Nina Presley ???? (maybe process of elimation. Nina would have been 11)
8 Cora Gloer Presley
9 Edgar Presley
10 Newton Webber
11 Lucy Payne Gloer Glover Maple Thompson
12 Homer Webber
13 Sarah Jane Cooper Tanksley
15 Pearl Webber
17 Virgil Webber
19 William David Presley
20 Edith Maple
21 Bertha Thompson
22 Deliah Thompson
24 William Chester Gloer
25 Anderson Whitfield Thompson
27 Lum Strawhorn
28 Rosine Webber (could have the twins mixed up)
29 Maxine Webber (could have the twins mixed up)
30 Hazel Cooper
31 Loyd Cooper
Names on the list I couldnt account for:
1. James Madison Cooper - 49 years old at the time
2. Julia Payne Cooper 43 years old at the time (J.Ms wife)
3. G. A. Cooper - Dont know who this is. JELs wife was Nellie C. McBroom Cooper so this isnt her
4. J. E. L. Cooper 33 years old at the time Joseph Edward Lee Cooper
5. L. J. Strawhorn - 51 years old at the time Laura Jane Cooper Strawhorn
6. Tena Gloer 34 years old at the time Christena Trivitt Gloer - wife of William Chester Gloer
7. Homer Webber 10 years old at the time
8. C.F. Shearer - 51 years old at the time Calvin Francis Shearer