Thomas Bivins/Beven(s) and Elizabeth King Marriage License
Chowan County, North Carolina
Note: Spelling as on liscense/documentation
Know all men by these present that we Mr. Thomas Bevens of Chowan County in the province aforesaid Trader and James Presy and Thomas Kimsay both of Davin (???) in the County and province said. Traders are held and firmly bonded unto our Sovereign Lord the King in the just and full sum of fifty pounds proclamations money to be paid to our Sovereign Lord the King his heirs and successors to the which payment will truly be made do bind ourselves each and every of his each of our heirs Executors and administrators joined firmly by these present filed under our seals this the thirteenth day of August 1812
Whereas Thomas Bevin hath applied for a Lyense (pursuant to an act of assembly intitled an act for preventing clandestine and unlawfull marriages ) to be joined together in the Holy Estate of Matrimony to Elizabeth King a virgin woman and a resident to N C County ______ the consent of her father (being under age of twenty one years)
Now the Conditions of the above obligations is such that if there appears no lawfull causes to obstruct the marriage for which the aforesaid Lyscense was desired pursuant to the true intent & meaning of the above cited act then the above obligation to be void and of no effect else to stand and remain full forse power and virtue.
Signed sealed and delivered in Thos Beven {seal}
_____ of James Presy {seal}
__illington Thomas Kinsey {seal}