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Miles Jennings Head Right

Jennings, Miles
1 petition
1 warrant

A Badell
By the court of Justices of the county of Wilkes,
To Samuel Criswell county surveyor for said county,
You are hereby authorized and required to admeasure and lay out or
Cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Miles Jennings -----
a Tract of Land which shall contain Fifteen Hundred acres
in Wilkes county in lieu of an old Warrant of said -----
Jenning’s ------------------------------------------------------------
Taking especial care that the same has not therefore been laid out to any Person or Person and
you are hereby also directed and required to Record the plat of the same in your Office and Transmit
a copy thereof together with this warrant to the surveyor General within six months from
this date Given under my hand as senior Justice of said court this 3d day of October 1785

Benj Catching CWC

Miles Jennings
1500 acres

State of Georgia
Wilkes County
Parsonty appeared before us Miles Jinens who being duly sworn maid oath that he hath himself & nineteen
In family for which Head Rights he never but five hundred acres of Land garanted him in this State either under this government on the forman Sworn before us this 15 Day of April 1784
Miles Jennings
L Samon A J P
W W Mamon J P

To his Honour the Govoner & Councell your Petitioner prayeth he may be granted a five hundred acre warrant to e laid out in Franklin County and your Petitioner will Pray April 15 1784
Miles Jennings

Miles Jennings
500 Acres

Miles Jennings 19
11d Ray Ms