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Col. Peter Presley Reference in
Virginia Gazette

November 17, 1738


Ran away from the Subscriber, in Northumberland County, Virginia, on Sunday the 12th of this Infiant November, Two English Convict Servants; one named Robert Shiels, a Gardener; is a lusty, well-fet Fellow, about 26 Years of Age, with long black Hair; but it’s suppos’d may cut it off. His wearing Apparel was a coarse Felt Hat, 2 Osnabrig Shirts, a Virginia Cloth Jacket and Breeches, and a large Blue Jacket, old Virginia Stockings and a Pair or more of Negro Shoes. The other is William Roberts, a Shoe-maker, who also goes by the Name of William Simmons, is a middle-siz’d Man, about 23 Years of Age, much pitted with the Small-Pox. He has Letters on one of his Hands mark’d with Gun-powder, and on one of his Arms a darted Heart, and on the other Arm this Name, MARY ROBERTS. His Wearing Apparel was an old fine Hat, a small Wigg, one fine Shirt, and on Oznabrig One, a Swanskin Jacket, and an old Coat tarr’d and patch’d, and an old Pair of fine Cloth Breeches, a Pair of blue worsted Stocking, and a Pair of handsome square toe’d Shoes, and large Brass Buckles. They went away in an old great Canoe. Whoever secures the said servants and bring or causes them to be brought to my House, in Northumberland County aforesaid, shall have Two Pistoles Reward for each, besides what the Law allows paid by.
Peter Presly
N.B. They are bold, stout Fellows, and will make Resistance; and if taken must be well guarded, or they will escape.

January 24, 1751


Front Page of this issue


Williamsburg section starts on this page


On Friday last James McGuire for Murder, and William Simmons for Robbery, (suppos’d an Accomplice in the Murder of Col. Presley) were executed in this City. They both behaved penitently, and confess’d the Facts for which they died.