John Allentharpe Will
The following is the will of John Allentharpe. The spelling may not be accurate, but done as the original will.
Stafford County January the 12th 1746
In the Name of God Amen being very sick and weak in Body but perfect well in Memory thanks Go to God for it I do confirm this my last Will and Testament. I Give and bequeath to my Loving Wife all my whole Estate and everything pertaining to the same only a Gun I desire she shall give to my son John when he is of age. Witnesseth my hand and seal this day above written.
John A. Allentharpe (Seal)
Wm. Sebastian
George Spicer
Benjamin Allenthorpe
At a Court held for Stafford County Nov. 10, 1747.
The within last will and testament of John Allenthorpe, dec'd. was produced into Court by Ann Allenthorpe Widdow of the said John Who made oath thereto according to law and being proved by the oaths of the Witnesses thereto is admitted to record and the said John not having appointed any Exr. In his Will Administration with the said Will annexed is gratned the said Ann she having performed what is usual in such cases.
Test H Tyler CCC