Jeremiah Pierson
Tradition says he was born in New Jersey and circumstances say about this occurring about 1735. He was married in North Carolina. The wife's name is unknown at this time, but they were married in about 1759. It is recorded that she was born in 1737 and she is believed to have died before 1790 probably in Fairfield County, South Carolina. This is assumed, as she is not on the census roles in 1790.
To this union nine known children were born: 1. James, born October 25, 1760 2. Nancy, born April 22, 1762 3. Sarah, born August 24, 1765, died January 10, 1787 4. Samuel, born March 14, 1767 5. John, born December 7, 1770 6. Rebeccah, born December 1772 7. Jeremiah, born February 10, 1774 8. Thomas, born August 16, 1776 9. William, born November 27, 1777
What I know of Jeremiah Pierson is that he left Onslow County, North Carolina and moved to Craven County, North Carolina living on Swift Creek in 1767. In 1781 and 1782 he served in the American Army, White Oak Company, during the Revolutionary War for which he received payment. He could be found as a Petit Juror in 1793 in Fairfield County, South Carolina. It is believed that he moved to Warren County, Georgia in late 1793 as he is listed as absent on the jurors list in January 1794 in South Carolina. He was one of the first settlers of Jones County, Georgia in 1807 and still there in 1820. He paid for transporting ammunition etc. from Monticello to General Adams in his expedition against the Oakfuskee Indians July 16, 1814 and November 5, 1814. He is missing from the 1830 census roles leading to the assumption that he died between 1820-1830.
Seek and Ye Shall Find - Pearson Vol 1
Sifting Through The Ashes - Eleanor Davis McSwain
North Carolina Archives
IGI File
Georgia Archives