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Charnick Tharp Will

Charnick Tharp Will

The following is the will of Charnick A. Tharp. The spelling may not be accurate, but done as the original will.

Georgia                          October the 1 1868
Twiggs Co.
I, C.A. Tharp signer,
Being my sound mind and know-
ing that it is appointed unto all man
to die do this day make my last will
in the following manner.
(1)I will my soul to God
(2)I will that after my decrease, that my
body shall be decently buried and
that a Stone Suitably shall be placed
to mark the place of my burial - and
that the expenses thereof shall be paid out of my Estate ----
(3)I will that all of my just debts shall
be paid -
(4)I give and bequeath to my wife Eliza
beth, the following property, two lots of
Land No. (44) and (53) on which the
dwelling house now stands and all
the out buildings, and the gear
house, and gin, and screw and two
mules, and Buggy, two cows and
calves two sows and pigs and
provisions for 1 year and corn and
fodder to feed said mules 1 year,
and as much household furniture
together with kitchen furniture
as she wishes to keep her lifetime
and after her death my Daughter
Frances is to have the lot of Land
No (53) on which stands as I have
given the rest of my children as
they married off - And all the rest
of my property both real and personal
I wish to be sold and divided amon-
gst my heirs Benjamin Joseph
David's Children, Simeon, Jefferson
is to have an equal share with the
rest - give him the notes that I hold
against him to be given to him -
And Washington is to share with
the rest - then the daughters -
My Daughter Leanner Horne, has had
more then sum of the rest I will
that she receive no more Luezer Pass
more is to share with the rest and
Martha Ann Jones - Elizabeth Jessop
Frances and Emaline Nash I ask - all
to share with the sons - and any or
all of my Sons, I wish to leave as
Executors to carry out this my last
will-and if any of them live
At too great a distance then those
that lives near to             C.A. Tharp

Elam Hinson
R.A. Nash
Wm. Barnes

The will was proven by the oaths of R.A. Nash and Elam Hinson, Nov. 9th 1868 before Wm. S. Kelly, Ordinary of Twiggs Co.

Rev. C. A. Tharp died during the Reconstruction Era on Nov. 18, 1867. The government of the counties and state were in confusion. According to this document there was no ordinary in the county of Twiggs so the heirs signed an agreement.

Georgia - Twiggs County
Know All men by these present that we and each of us hath this day mutually agreed that the executors of Rev. C.A. Tharp, late of Twiggs County, Deceased, or either of the said executors proceed immediately, to execute the said will of the said Rev. C.A. Tharp according to the tenor of said will as though it had been properly probated and we and each of us will aid and assist requiring our executors and administrators to do the same; and defend said executor or executors from any or all harm that may hereafter come against them as such executors provided that they proceed no further with such execution than is actually necessary in their judgement to prevent losses or waste of said estate until there can be a regular authorized person in the County of Twiggs to admit wills to probate then said executors to proceed as the Law directs. There being no Ordinary in the aforesaid County, and the Clerk of the Superior Court not being authorized to admit wills to probate, it being necessary to take some action immediately for the benefit of said estate is the reasons whey we have given this article of agreement and caused our hands and seals to be affixed this day of 186

Names of Heirs
Jefferson Tharp
Thomas H. Jones
E. A. Nash
W. D. Horne
Fannie Tharp

Terms Cash
A List of property sold at the residence of Rev. C.A. Tharp late of Twiggs County, Georgia, Deceased                           Joseph & Simeon Tharp, Executors January 7th 1868
L.L. Hardin               1 Two Horse wagon & Harness               $43 00
James Wall                1 Four Horse Wagon 6 00
Isaac Carrol              1 Iron Boiler                4 50
James Lisles               1 Lot of wagon wheels                 3 50
L.L. Hardin                1 ox cart wheel                 7 00
L.L. Hardin                1 Grind Stone                 2 25
L.L. Hardin                1 Sything cradle                 3 25
Charnick Herron       2 Sything cradle (old)                 50
J.G. Andrews             1 Lot of old plows                 50
Jefferson Tharp          1 Lot of old plows                 2 25
H. F. Martin              1 weeding Hose (old)                 50
Fanny Tharp              1 club Axe                 1 70
J.G. Andrews              1 old Axe                 25
Newton Maxwell           1 short handle Spade                 1 10
Wash Burkett              1 Lot of plows (old)                 50
Wash Burkett              1 Lot of Hames (old)                 50
Wash Burkett              1 Pair of Plow gear                 2 00
Guy Tharp*                 broad axe and adz                 1 30
W. Burkett                  1 Lot Blacksmith Tools                 17 50
James Wall                 2 bars of Iron                 1 35
James Wall                 1 long bar Iron                 2 90
J.G. Andrews              1 bar Iron                 1 85
L.L. Hardin                1 Pair Steelyards                 1 00
Elam Hinson              2 Bushels Rye                 3 60
Stephen Asbell           1 Lot of Oats @ 65 cents/bushel                 7 15
Wash Burkett                 1 Lot of Peas 8 Bu.                 6 40
Simeon Tharp                 1 Lot of Peas 8 ½ bu.                 5 95
Fanny Tharp                 270 Bu cotton seen @ 10 cents                 27 00
Jos. Tharp                 Lot peas 3 bu. At 70cts                 2 00
Widow Tharp                 Buggy Horse                 25 00
Guy Tharp                 1 Sorrel Horse                 40 00
L.L. Hardin                 1 Small Mule                 71 50
L.L. Hardin                 1 Yoke Oxen                 43 00
Jos. Tharp                 1 Cow & Calf                 16 00
Joseph Andrews                 1 Cow & Calf                 12 50
Chesley Parker**                a spotted Bull yearling                 14 50
Chesley Parker                 a spotted yearling                 5 25
Joseph Andrews                 1 sportted heifer cow                 8 00
Floyd Finch                 1 corn sheller                 10 00
Edwin Nash                 3 fat hogs                 41 00
Fanny Tharp                 3 fat hogs sold on foot                 52 00
Jefferson Tharp                 Black sow & pigs                 18 50
Jefferson Tharp                 200 lbs port at 12 cts                 24 00
Wash Burkett                 1 listed sow                 15 50
Frank Floyd                 2 shoat hogs                 10 25
Henry Solomon                 first lot corn 25 Bu. 1.00                 25 00
Henry Solomon                 2nd lot corn 25 Bu. 1.05                 26 25
Jos. Tharp                 3 lot corn 20 Bu. 1.05                 21 00
Wash Burkett                 4 lot corn 20 Bu. 1.05                 21 00
John D. Tharp                 carriage & Harness                 11 00
John Andrews                 1 saddle                 6 50
Robert Everett                 Rifle Gun                 ____7_50
$682 30
Guy Tharp                Paid on rent of cotton ___23_ 90
$705 20

* - Guy Tharp was a freed slave
** - Chesley Parker, a man of color