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Noah Kelsey Revolutionary War Pension

State of Connecticut
County of Middlesex
August 25th 1852

I James D Moore of the
____ of Clinton County and State of afore-
said , depose and say that I now hold
and have held office of Pastor of the
Congregational Church in said Clinton for 2 yr years and
have this 25th day of August 1852 examined
the records of said Church, and find
the following genuine and original rec-
ord of the marriage of Margaret Kelsey
viz: “Married February 14th, 1791” (seventeen
hundred and ninety one being) aforesaid
on the records in fair and legible figures
which is man_____ in the hand writing
of Rev. Nevilles Mansfield, who was then
Pastor of said Church) “Noah Kelsey with
Margaret Grinnell” as certified by me.

James D. Moore Pasto of the Congregational Church in Clinton aforesaid

Middlesex County Clinton August 26 AD 1852
Sworn before me Aaren GJ. Hurd Justice of the Peace

State of Connecticut
County of Middlesex
Probate Court
District of Killingsworth

I Elisha K Redfield Clerk of the Court of Pro-
bate for the District of Killingsworth being a
Court of records, do hereby certify that
Aaren G. Hurd Esquire has signed the for-
going instrument ___ and was at the time a Justice
of the Peace in and for the County of afore-
said, commissaner and sworn and
duly authorized by law to administer
oaths and that the signature pro-
porting to be his, is genuine.

In testimony whereof
have hereunto subscribed
my name and affixed the
seal of said Court of the Probate
office in Clinton this 25 day of August A.D. 1852
Atest Elisha R. Redfield Clerk

State of Connecticut
New Haven County
Probate Court
District of Milford

On this 17 day of August 1852 personally ap-
peard before the Court of Probate for
District of Milford, Margaret Kelsey
a resident of Milford County and State
aforesaid aged Eighty Six year, who being
first duly sworn according to law doth on
her oath make the following declaration in
order to obtain the benefit of the pension
made by the Act of Congress passed July 7
1835 entitled to certatn ____ also ___ ___ pension
As her ___ ____ herein after names which justly
she is the widow of Noal Kelsey who was a
private in the Army of the Revolution. That her
said husband entered the service of the Militia
States in Col. Samuel B. Webbs Regiment and
served for the term of about a ____ ?4 months
Service he resided in Clinton, Middlesex
County State aforesaid. That after he left the
service he resided in said Clinton ___ about
The year 1800 when he moved to Chester, from
Thence to Derby from thence to Milford, where
he resident from about 1806 to the time of
his death which took place March 23, 1843
She further declares upon her oath that
___ after the passage of the general pension
Act of 1832her said husband employed
an attorney to assist him in establishing
his pension claim who made a personal
application at the compilators office in Conn.

for proof of (her husbands) his Revolutionary
Services but as the Rolls of Webbs Regiment
In that office were only brought down to ___
___ 1782. His name does not appear and as
he could find no evidence of his service the
application was never presented at the Pension
Office. She further declares that she knows
of no documentary or other evidence of her
said husbands service until about two months
The ____ declares that she was married
to the said Noah Kelsey at Clinton aforesaid
(formerly Killingsworth) by the Rev. Nehille Mans
Filed on the 14th day of February in the year
seventeen hundred and ninety one, and
that her name before marriage was Margare-
rett Grinnell that her husband the afore-
said Noah Kelsey died in Milford County
of New Haven, State of Connecticut on the
23 day of March 1843 that she was not
married to him prior to his leaving the ser-
vice, but the marriage took place previous
to the first day of January seventeen hundred
and ninety formly at the time above stated.

Margaret Kelsey

Sworn to and subscribed on the day and
Year above written before

David L. Baldwin
Judge of Probate

State of Connecticut
Co9unty of New Haven
Probate Court District of Milford

I Aaron Clark Clerk of the Court of Probate
For the District of Milford be a Court
of Record do hereby certify that David L.
Baldwin is and was a Judge of Probate
for the District Milford at the time of
______ the foregoing instrument duly
commissioned and ____ and
that his signature before written is genuine.
I further certify that satisfactory evidence
has been exhibited before this Court that
Noah Kelsey died in Milford on then said
District on the 23 day of March in the year one
thousand eight hundred and fifty three and
left a widow by the name of Margaret Kelsey
who is now living and is the same person
who has signed the foregoing declaration
in order to obtain a pension on account of
the Revolutionary service of her husband
and that she is personally known to this
Court as a respectable and predictable
The testimony whereof I have
hereunto subscribed my name
and affix the seal of said Court
Milford County and State aforesaid
This 17 day of August A.D. 1852
Arron Clark, Clerk

State of Connecticut
Comptrollers Office
Hartford June 25th 1852

I certify tht an application for evidence of the ser
vice of Noah Kelsey in the war of the Revolution.
I have examined the documents in this office and
find the name of Noah Kelsey on a Pay Roll of
Col. Samuel R. Webb’s Regiment for the year 1782
which has been deposited in this office and which
from the marks of age which it bears and the en
tries upon it general character and appear
now I believe to be an original Roll of said Regi
ment. The heading of said Roll as follows “Pay Roll
“of the officers, non-commiss’d & privates of the 3rd Connecticut
“Regiment in the service of the United States from January
“1st 1782 to January 1st 1783” Opposite the name is the s’d
Noah Kelsey as the following entries vis./ Rankd Private/
When commanded April 19th 1782 / Whe left service & Reason
Dec 24th 1782/Discharged/Service 8 months 6 days/Amount $54.60
Balance due $54.60/

R. G Pinney, Comptroller
By Geo Robinson, Clerk