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Harry and Inez Marriage Certificate

Harry and Inez were married at the Stone County, Arkansas courthouse. Note that Inez fudged a bit on her age (but I bet the county clerk knew that as she had lived there all her life). She says she was 18 when she was really only 15 (almost 16).

Marriage Certificate
Harry and Inez's Marriage Certificate

Harry and Inez celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary (they always considered Thanksgiving their anniversary) on November 28, 1978 with a reception at their home and then a family dinner at the Holiday Inn with almost everyone present.

50th Anniversay Napkin
50th Anniversary Napkin

Henry Hixson, Inez's father and editor of the Stone County Record, published this wedding announcement.


Miss Inez Hixson and Mr. Harry Hawkins were quietly married at the home of Rev R. A. Suggs last Thursday evening. Only a few close friends of the couple were present.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Hixson of this place and was a member of the Junior class of the Mountain View High School. She was one of the leaders in the social activities of the younger set of the town.

The groom, whose home is in West Palm Beach, Florida, is a graduate of Georgia Technical School of Atlanta, Ga., and is at present employed by the State Highway Department as assistant engineer stationed at Marcella. The couple are making their home at Marcella for the present.

The Record, in company with the many friends of the couple, extend them wishes for a long and happy married life.