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Gedney and Corwin Mentions In
Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records 1627 - 2001
Essex County, Salem

Note: Spelling as in records themselves

Vol. 1 Page 5
Mr. William Brown Junyr maried to Hanah Corwin by Majr Hathorne 29:10:64 – son William borne ye 28:July 1666

Vol. 1 Pages 10-11
Mr. John Corwin & Margerett Wintrop were maried the __ May 1665.
theire son George borne ye 26 February 1666
theire dau., Elizabeth born ye 28 Aprill 1668. Theire daughter Lucy
born the 11 May 1670 --- Daughter Hana borne ye 4:2mo:1672

Mrs Elizabeth Corwin ye wife of Capt Geroge Corwin deceased ye 15:7mo:1668

Capt George Corwin & Mrs. Elizabeth Brookes widow were maried the 22th 7mo 1669 theire daughter Penellopee was borne 7:6mo:70 Daughter Susana borne 10:10mo:1672

Vol. 1 Page 12
Capt. John Corwin his son Samuell borne by Margerett his wife the 12:8mo:1674

Vol.1 Page 25
Mr. John Gedney maryed to Susana Clearke by Major Hathorne the 4th May 1659 there son John borne 5 March 59/60
da. Sara borne 6:5:62 & dyed 19 of ye same month
da., Susana borne the 4th March 63 da Sara born ye 12 Aprill 1666
so. William borne the 25 May 1668

Vol. 1 Pages 26-27
Bartholomew Gedney maryed to Hana Cleark ye 22:10mo:62
Had his first child Bartholomew born ye 4:2mo:64 & dyed 12 of Aug following
Son Jonathan born 14:4:6- & died 14:6:65. 2nd S: Bartholomew born 2:6:66 & died 22:7mo:66

Eleazer Gidney maried to Elizabeth Turner by Maj William Hawthorne ye 9 June 65 – theire son Eleazer borne the 18 March 1665/66. da. Elizabeth borne ye 2:4mo:1669 Ruth borne 24 May 1672
Mary borne ye 27 August 1674.

Vol. 1 Page 28
Mr. Bartholmew Gidney his da., Hana borne ye 19:6:67 by Hana his wife Daughter Liddea borne 9 March 1669 Daughter Bethiah borne 27 May 1672 Debora borne 3rd of January 1673 & died 9 December 1674 their son Samuel, born at Salem November 2nd 1675.

Vol 1 Page 32
Mr. Eliezer Hathorn married to Abigail Corwin ye 28:6mo:63 by Maj Wm. Hathorne – da., Abigaile born ye 14:9mo:1665
Son George borne ye 17:2mo:1668 & died ye last weeke of ye same mo
Daughter Elizabeth borne ye 20:12mo:1669

Vol. 1 Page 92
Mr. Josiah Wolcott & Mrs. Penelopie Corwine were married the 19th February 1684/5 – Elizabeth Woolcott daughter of Mr. Josiah Wollcott borne by Penellopee his wife 30th March 1688 – Son Josiah born 21st:10mo:1690 His wife dyed 28th:10mo:90 – his son Josiah dyed 4th:11mo:90.

Vol. 1 Page 97
Eleazer Gidney & Mary Pattashall were marryed the 6 June 1678
Theire son Ebenzer born the 25:3mo:1679
Theire son Edmond borne the 15:9mo:1680
Theire daughter Martha borne the 29:2mo:1682
The said Eliazer Gidney the father deceased the 29 Aprill 1683

Joshua Grafton married to Mrs. Hanah Gedny the 2nd day of August 1686 – Their daughter Hannah borne ye 27th day of May 1691 abt 3 (Note: see next graph for the photo of the following) of ye clocke in ye morning Their sone Joshua & Samuell twins were born 16th: Jany: 1693 Their daughter Sarah borne the 13th: Aprill 1697. Presilla Grafton borne 8th February 1698.

Vol. 1 Page 98
Wm Gedny married to Hanah Gardner ye 7th May 1690
His daughter Susanah borne ye 29th Aprill 1691
His daughter Margaret born 8th June 1694
Their son William was borne at Salem 12th:October 1696 about ½ an hour after five in the morning Their son Jonathan borne the 12th October about ½ qr of an hour after six in the morning same day & year 1696 being twins.

Vol.1 Page 100-101
Mr George Corwin married to Susana Gedney Aprl 12, 1688.

Mr. Jonathan Corwin & Mrs. Elizabeth Gibbs were maried the 20th of March 1675/6. Theire daughter Elizabeth borne the 5 May 1678.
Theire daughter Margerett borne ye 15:2dmo. 1679 & deceased 5:9mo:79
Theire daughter Sarah borne the 12th:6mo:1680
Theire son Jonathan borne the 2:8mo:1681 & deceased 12:6mo: 1682.
Theire son George borne the 21 May 1683
Son John bor July 9th:1684 died 10th: Sept. following
Daughter Margeret born 30th: November 1685., died 23 Febr. following.
Their daughter Anna borne ye 1 August 1687
Their daughter Sarah died ye 19th December 1689
Their son Jonathan born 15th September 1689 & died ye 25th: December following
Their son Harbert - born15th: Decembr 1690 & dyed ye 10th Febr. following

Elizabeth Corwin (the late wife of Jona Corwin Esqr) dyed August the 29th:1718

Vol. 1 Page 170
Mhabakuk Gardner & Mrs Ruth Gedney both of Salem were married March the 22d 1696/7.

Vol. 2 Page 4
Mr. Josiah Wolcott & Mrs. Penelope Corwine were married the February 19th 1684/5 – Elizabeth Wolcott daughter of Mr. Josiah Wolcott borne by Penelope his wife borne March 30th 1688 Josiah Wolcott, son of Mr. Josiah Wolcott by Penelope his his wife, born December 21st, 1690 Said Josiah died January 4th 1690. Mrs. Penelope Wolcott died December 28th Anno 1690.

Vol. 2 Page 15
William Gedney married to Mrs Hannah Gardner, daughter of Mr Samuel Gardner senior by the Hon Jonathan …win Esq the 9th of June 1690
Their daughter Susanna born April 9th 1691
Their daughter Margeret born June 9th 1694
Their son William born October 11th 1696 Departed this life the 28th of November 1696
Their son Jonathn born October 11th 1696 Departed this life the 12thy of November 1696
Their son Bartholomew born the 22d of March 1697
Their daughter Hannah born June 12th 1700
Mrs. Hannah Gedney, wife of the aforesaid William Gidney deceased January 4 17 ¾
William Gedney married to Elizabeth Andrews daugr of Mr. Samuel Andrew of Cambridge May 25 1704
Their son William born the [12th] day of August 1707 Deceased January 8th 1707/8

Vol 2 Page 23
James Lindall & Elizabeth Corwine were married Decemr 15th 1702
Their daughter Elizabeth born September 29th 1703
Their son _____ born January 12th & buried the 13th 1703
Their daughter Mary born December 14th 1705
Elizabeth wife of James Lindall & daughter of Jonath Corwin Esq deceased may 19th 1706

Vol. 2 Page 26-27
Collo Bartholomew Gedney Esq Deceased February 28 1697/8
Mrs Hannah Gedney wife of Collo Gedney Deceased the 18th of September 1705

Habbakkuk Gardner & Ruth Gedney were married March the 22d anno 167. Daughter Ruth born March 16th 1699
Their daughter Mary born June 22d anno 1701
Their Joseph born January 25 anno 1702 Deceased Augt following
Their daughter Mercy born April 23d 1705
Their son Habbakkuk born August 3d 1707
Their daughter Eunise born December 4th 1709
Eunice Gardner died August 29 1729
Mercy Gardner died January 7th 1732/3
Habbakkuk Gardner seniour died February 3d 1732/3
Ruth Gardner died August 23d 1737

Volume 2 Page 43
Mr. Francis Welloughby married to Mrs. Bethiah Gedney Apl 26th 1705
Their son William born July 25th 1706
Their daughter Bethiah born March 19th 1708/9 Deceased June 11 1709
Their second daughter Bethiah born October 1st 1712
Bethiah wife of said Mr. Francis Willoughby died November 26th, 1713

Volume 2 Page 57-58
Mr. George Curwin married to Mrs Mehittable Parkman July 27th 1711. Their son Jonathan born May 6th 1713. Their son Samuel born December 17th 1715 Their son George born December 4th 1717.
Mr George Curwin our Revd Pastor died November 23 1717 in the 35th year of his age
Jonathan Curwin, son of our Revd decd Pastor died Novemr 6th 1718. Madam Mehittable Curwin relict to our said Revd decd Pastor died November 13th 1718. Revd Nicholas Noyes, died December 13th 1717 aged 70 years wanting eight days ----

Bartholomew Curwin, son of George Curwin & Lydia his wife was born June 21st, 1693 Mrs. Lydia Curwin deceaded Decm 23, 1700

Vol. 2 Page 76
The widow Mrs Mary Gedney died September 4th 1716. She was Relict of Elie Gedney

Vol. 2 Page 98
Sarah (Note: daughter of Capt Benjamin Pickman and Abigail Lindall), born December 1st 1718, married to Capt George Curwin.

Vol. 2 Page 111-112
George Curwen and Sarah Lickman, both of Salem, married by Rev W. John Speerhawk March 18 1738
Their son George, born 4th June 1739 drowned at sea 2 April 1762 unmarried
Their daughter Mehitable born 23 January 1741 married Richard Ward Esq 8th Nov 1764
-- daughter Sarah born Jan (??) 1742 Died 26th February 1773 unmarried

Richard Ward - son of Joshua and Sarah Ward – and Mehitable Curwin, daughter of George and Sarah Curwen married 8th November 1764
Their son George Curwen born 18 August 1765 married Abigail Elkins 30th May 1786 Died March 11, 1801
-- son Samuel Curwen born 29th June 1767 married Jane Ropes – dau of Hon Nathaniel and Priscella Ropes, 31st of October 1790 and Melvina Tabitha Glover 17th Dec 1807 He died 26 Nov 1816 (1817 – so says Geo R Curwin)
Their daughter Sarah, born 1st August 1767 – married to James Cushing 1st December 1793
- daughter Mehitable – born 9th September 1771 – died 28th march 1804 – unmarried
- dau Elisabeth born 3 July 1774 Died 22 December 1834 – unmarried
- son Richard born 31th October 1776 married to Lydia Robinson 14 April 1805 Died 14th December 1822
- dau Martha born 21st January 1779 married to Charles Adams 10th May 1807 Died 21 March 1829
- son Daniel born 21th March 1782 Died 15th February 1813 – unmarried

Mehitable Ward, wife of Richard Ward Esq – daughter of George and Sarah Curwen died 4th April 1813 – Richard Ward Esq, son of Joshua Ward Esq and Sarah his wife Died 4th November 1824
The children of Samuel Curwen Ward and Jane his wife are as follow vis –
Samuel Curwen born 10th December 1790 Died 12th September 1795
George Atkinson born 29 March 1793 – married his cousin Mehitable Cushing 5 October 1816
Samuel Curwen Ward who was allowed by the Legislature of Massachusetts in 1802 to take the name of Samuel Curwen born 26 November 1795 married Priscilla Barr daughter of James and Eunice Barr 22 March 1818 died near Bellona Arsenal in Virginia 3 July 1831-
-- Charles born 10th July 1797
-- Jane Speechawk, born 19th December 1802
The children of Saml Curwen Ward and Malvina T. his second wife are as follows –
-- Eliza Wetmroe born 13th October 1808
-- Malvinia Glover born 27th August 1809 died 15 Sept 1809
-- Willm Raymond Lee born 6th August 1811 married Sophia Ann Langdon dau of John and Charlotte l Langdon of Cortsmouth, N H 31th December 1839 she died 4th Feby 1855
-- Henry Crne born 31th December 1816 married Jepsie Buchanan of Kendall Illinois 3 November 1847
Children of Samuel Curwen and Priscilla Barr his wife are as follow vis
-- James Barr born 20 December 1818 Married Rebecca Howey daughter of Samuel and Caroline Bridicott 3 February 1848
-- Samuel Ropes born 28 December 1820 married his cousin mary Smith Holman daughter of Jonathan and Betsey Holman 15 May 1848
-- George Rea born 4th July 1823

Vol. 2 Page 113
The Children of James B and Rebecca H Curwen was as follows viz
Samuel Endicott born 8th November 1848 died 6 July 1849
Caroline Endicott born 7th January 1852
James Endicott born 14th January 1856 died March 19th 1857

The children of Samuel R and Mary L Curwen are as follows viz
Henry born 9th September 1847
Samuel Holman born 5th August 1849
Caroline Rea born 16th September 1851 died 6th January 1852
Charles Frederick born 18th July 1853
Betsey Holman born 2d June 1856

Vol. 2 Page 116
James Barr . . . Children were as follows …
Priscilla – born 31st March 1788 mard Samuel Curwen March 22 1818 …

Vol. 2 Page 117
Capt. George Corwin, died Jany 3 1685 Aged 74 years

Abigail, dau of Capt George & Elizabeth Corwin, born Aug 1st 1637
Son John born July 25 1638
“ Jonathan born Nov 14th 1640
Dau Hannah born 1642

Hon Jonathan Corwin, father of Rev George Corwin, Died July 6th 1718

Jonathan Curwen, son of Rev George Curwen died Nov 6th 1718 aged 4 years 5 mon 1 days

Capt George Curwen, son of Rev Geo Curwen died in St. Eustatius June 7th 1746 aged 28 years 6 mo 3 days

Mrs Abigail Curwein, wife of Samuel Curwen Esq and daughter of Hon Daniel Russell of Charlestown Mass died March 31st 1798 – aged 65 years 2 mo 18 days

Samuel Curwen Esq, son of Rev George Curwen died April 9th 1802 aged 86 years 3 mos 23 days

Mrs. Sarah Curwen, widow of Capt George Curwen and daughter of Benjm and Abigail Lickman, died January 3d, 1810 aged 91 years 1 mo 2 days

Vol. 3 Page 110
May 2d 1701 Doct. Saml Gedney of Salem & mrs. Mary Go9okin of Cambridge – Revd Willm Brttle
May 25 1704 Mr. Willm Gedney of Salem & Mrs Elish Andrews of Cambe.

May 24th 1750 Mr. Saml Curwin of Salem & Abigail Rull of Ch’stown - Revd Simon Bradstreet

Vol. 4 Page 2
Habakuk Gardner & Mrs. Ruth Gedney both of Salem were married March the 22d 1696/7

Vol. 4 Page 15
Francis Clark of Boston & Deborah Gedney of Salem October 16th 1701
Mr. James Lindall & Mrs Elizabeth Corwin Decemr 15th 1702

Vol. 4 Page 16-17
Mr. Francis Willoughby & Mrs Bethia Gidney April 26th 1705
Thomas Phippen & Mary Gidney October __ 1706

Vol. 4 Page 19
George Corwin & Mehitabll Parkman July 27th 1711

Vol. 4 Page 20-21
James Ruck & Mrs. Martha Gedney November 6th 1712
Mr. Humphy Davie & Mrs. Margaret Gedney April 22 1714

Vol. 4 Page 29
Robert Williams & Sarah Gedney October 16th 1717

Vol. 4 Page 35
James Grant & Hannah Gedney March 24th 1724

Vol. 4 Page 52
1738 George Curwin & Sarah Pickman both of Salem March 18th 1738

Vol. 4 Page 76
Revd Mse (or Wle ???) Barnard’s marriages
November 8th Richard Ward & Mehotabel Curwen, both of Salem

Vol. 4 Page 165
Marriages solemnized by Revd Joshua Spalding
August 16 John Corwin & Sarah Munday

Vol. 4 Page 179
The following persons were married by me D. Hopkins
Nov 26 Stephen Curwin & Hannah Bowden
(A note was added near this stating “Stephen Curwin & Hannah Moulton on record of Intention of Marriage see Vol 2, Page 127)

Vol. 5 Page 84
Marriages by __ Revd Lucius Bolles
1717 Jany 13rd George Hool to Susan Curwin Salem

Vol. 5 Page 91
The following is a correct copy of Return of Marriages made to me by the Revd Thos Carlisle to Dec 21 18 18
Attest John Saunders Town Clerk
March 22 Samuel Curwen to Priscilla Barr

Vol. 5 Page 136-137
June 20 Wm Knowlton & Eliza A Gedney
Oct 2 Richard Dowdley & Sally Curwen

Vol. 5 Page 251
Jany 9th Willm Phelan & Sarah Curwin

Vol. 5 Page 294
Marriages by Rev Brown Emerson
Nov 28 Stephen Curwen & Joanna C Niehold

Deaths Book A:



Sally Curwen


Mill St



Place of Burial