Robert Chapman Letters
The following a couple letters written by Robert Chapman born about 1616:
Honrd Sir:
Wee can doe no lesse than informe you that this morning here is arrived two sloops from New York, in one of which is Governor Androes whose hath sent Captn Nickols, on shoare, with two or three Gentlemen and a flagg in the head of the boate whoe onely haue giuen us this account of their businesse on shoare, and if there be any neede of aide against the Indians hee hathe forces with him.
Wee are here in armes with our traine band, and the forces from the Westward were here delayed upon the intelligence of forces from N. York, and we intending here to defend ourselues and maintaine his majestys Royall grant, by charter, except countermanded from yourselues. Wee can most easily perceiue that what they haue said is but a compliment, what their realities are, wee haue not understood from them, but it is not difficult for us to imagine. Wee humbly beeseeche your honours that you will please to dispatch away yor order or aduice, or what you please which is all from yours to command.
Dated Say-Brooke, 8th July, 1675
Capt Robert Chapmans Legacie to his Children. Left to them in writing before his decease who departed this Life the 13th day of October 1687
TO leave Something with my Children that may be of use to them whilst they are passing through a perilous world the design of this writing
The first Part of my time till I was about 15 or 16 years of age I lived with my parents I was Educated in the way they then called puretansme in observance of gospell rules and especially of the Sabath which ?? no Little tryall to me to see ?? others of neighbors around about me to have their plays and Sports on the Sabbath and my Self held in by the rains of family Government to the dutys of the Sabbath: When I was about 15 years of age I had a mind to be put out to Learn a trade great care wastaken to Place me in Some Godly famaly and because therewas not of that trade then known near my fathers house I was bound out to a man that Lived about 30 miles off who in a formall Shew had the name of [ ] Christian but in truth and real[ ] a poor man. when I had been there a while I had my Liberty as other boys had to play on the Sabbath days and improved my Liberty Some time till the Lord was pleased to make me to remember the way of Education at home and how just it was with God to Leave me now to have my [ ] to be vain and profain as others by the Good hand of God upon me it So prevented that I left of that course and attended the [S?] as well as I Could Remember Children be not wanting to your children when they are young begin betimes to teach them the knowlege of the god of their fathers you will finde the first of time to be the Best of time: and though not much Encouragement may at present appear yet be assured there is a blessing anexed thereto that Shall in due time appear : After I had Somtime refrained my Self from those Sabath daye Sports
Providentially there was a Scotch Minister who traviling through The town on xxx xxxxx xxx the Last day of the week was persuaded by Some Christians to Stay in town and preach to them on the morrow which was the Sabbath: which he yielded unto and did preach from those words : put you on the Lord Jesus Christ : which
words was in the opening and prosecution Such words as I thought I never heard before as to inward Soul Concernments and this did give a Second lift to me : After Some years Service with my master the way was opened for me as that I Returned home to my fathers house then was the great name and fame of new:England Sounding about the Country: then Also liberty and Sports upon the Sabath publickly allowed then. Great numbers appeared to Embrace the Same and make a scoff at those that would not fall in with them : then the signs of a black and dark time did appear inso much that it Caused Great thoughts of heart amongst the Godly what was their way whether to go for new:England there being then an open door Some chose to keep their Standing and others to great numbers from all parts of England of all Sorts of persons with their familys cast them Selves upon the providence of God by Shiping themselves for new England in which time it being the year 1635 : I wrought Jorney [?] work with one Tillinghust for the Space of half a year and until I Came for new:England a blessed change it was to me to fall into such a Godly family where I had my desire of Christian Comunion and so as that I grew apace in Knowledge and Stability with Such warmed affections as that I thought my Estate was Good but my purpose for Newengland being setled and the time drawing near of taking Ship after I had Spent Some time in visiting my friends in Kent and Sussex in the beginning of September was dismissed from them to the blessing of God and tooke Ship and after a long and dangerous voyage arrive at Boston in new England the 26 day of December 1635 and my Self with Several others lovingly Entertained on Shore and had our
entertainment that winter at Govenour winthrops farm : When I had been Some time on Shore I had a Great fit of sickness and many terrors with it as Concerning my Estate : could make no Comfortable work of what I had thought I had been wrought in me before but many discouragments and heart mis-givings that Surely here must be Something more done then yet I had found: the Lord was pleased to raise me up again and from thence brought me to this place in the beginning of April 1636 where I have remained to this day ---- after After I had been here Some time that black and dark day of the pequod war fell upon us in such Sort that our lives were in
hazard night and day and when we Saw one taken away one day 2 at another 4 at another out of our little number and the Enemy rage and insult that he will have us all : now comes home two questions what do I hear :and what must I do here : here after much Strugling I was Satisfied in that that I was in the Place that God had Set me in that I did not bring my Self into it no further then I was advised by my friends Especially by my faithful Loving
mother who I know did lay up a Stock of prayers for me Remember this Children your obediance to parents may Stand by you when you have Little Else to relieve you 2dly what must I do here the voice of God to me both in his
word and works was prepare thy Self the son of man Comes in an hour when you look not for him Saw it So by others and to help on this Great work the Lord was pleased to Send mr. Higginson amongst us to be preacher unto us whose labour in the work of the ministry was Suitable Seasonable profitable according to the then present Dispensation of providence all which to gether put me upon more earnest indeavours then formerly by
prayer hearing and laying up the word Studying the Scriptures acquainting my Self with the principles of the oracles of God unto which all truths may be refered and have found the benefit of that Study even to keep me Stedy from being deceived by the cunning and Subtle contrivances of Such as would be accounted to be angels of Light and yet in truth are the children of darkness who can cry up the Scriptures with great zeal and Solemnity even those that favour the lu[st?] of their hearts and others will Slight for this my time hath been a perilous
age when So many false Christs hath appeared in the world to deceive Some they must have [Imediate] Revelations from heaven or else of no value others do affirm that though the Spirit doth witness witness according to the word yet without any condition or qualification wrought in us : another Sort are those that Say there is nothing required of them but to believe that Christ hath done all for them and therefore neither Repent or obey the Gospel in the Sumery part there of ------- another Sort and they are such as have gone creeping up and down the Country to gain Disciples who have and do teach that the Light that is in a person if it be tended to is
sufficient to Salvataion :these with Some others of Like import pass hard under Soaking awakenings to be
Embrused ? as to bring rest to the Soul which through divine assistance upon tryall I found them to lead off from
Christ and so from rest for as much As they all have a tendancy to Cast off Christs yoak and therefore far off from bearing his Cross the nescesity of which is So often urged by Christ himself otherwise we cannot
be his disciples his being prest[ ] hard upon me and the Sweetness of Communion with christ that I found
in private prayer brought me up to a Settled resolution to be for Christ to Stand for christ to take up his Cross
and follow him in what capacity he Should bring me into which resolution I have found to abide and be helpfull
to me Especially when I have Seen the cross coming to me and waies before me to Escape the Same o then ?
do not deny Christ[?] hath Said that voice within me blessed by God that hath been my helper that in those
criticall times and turns I have met withall that I have not imprisoned the truth when it hath come to
my turn neither wickedly departed from my God : my children I insist the more? here for this is foundatition work it being laid upon Christ Christ as a crucified Christ: Christ As he is revealed in the Gospel
Not coming with outwarn observation but with inward demonstration of the word and spirit of Christ thus lay your foundation and the building will Stand and in all matters you are called forth to attend Let your business
be with God what Shall I do in this and that case, do not Confer with flesh and blood but Study the Good word of God be proving what is the good and acceptable will of the Lord and keep close there to although you See the cross make make fast toward you flinch not for in due time you Shall reap if you faint not but Especially See that
your foundation be laid upon Christ the discovery of his Love and rich Grace for this will allways be of a constraining nature to follow Christ. We Love him because he loved us first Gracious discovery begets love and love resolution as Some times he Said Should Such aman a I flee according to the Discoveries of free Grace So will be Our love : according to our love So Our resolution for God ye Scripture is Plentifull in this 116 psam : I will love the Lord and the reason was because he had heard his Supplication and inclined his ear : but when was that when the Sorrows of Death compassed me about and the pains of hell gat hold upon him as if david Should
Say oh here is matchles love indeed when death and hell come together even then for God to hear and then to deliver this hath begotten love in my Soul therefore hath thy Servant found in his heart to pray oh Says he I love the Lord and will call upon him so long as I live Children look to your your Selves : on this account Strong resolutions for God Speake out Gracious discoverys of God : weak resolutions argues weak work and no
resolution Seems to render a person as having yet his choice to make Standing upon an Indifferent point
with god it is that wich which Some times you know I have hinted at when persons have been presented as
fit for church comunion and to be enroled amongst the Saints they have Spoken Some more and Some less
according to what God hath done for them but very little if anything at all what they will do for god which Seems to fall Short of all the examples both Christ himself and of the most Eminant of Saints and is a mongst many others arguments an argument of declention and of pitifull low Spirits when Christ was asked whether he were a King Says Christ to this and was I born and for this Cause came I Into the world So Paul I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem : I have Sworn Says David and will perform that I will keep thy righteous Judgments : See therefore
what resolution and purpose of heart you are come to for as a man thinketh thinketh in his heart So is he the
times coming on do call for Settlement See your foundations be Safe: I have Insisted the more upon this because Scripture and experience Lays So much weight thereon the church of Ephesus [haveing] fallen is commanded for her recovery to repent recover her first love and do her first works : I Shall now Come to Give Some hints Concerning the Build ing upon this foundation that is a Spirituall building, as the foundation is So must the building be : First then Remember that in this build-ing there must be an agreement with the foundation in all the causes’ thereof the Eficient meritorious formall and finall causes : first the Eficient which is the Spirit of God without which you cannot Strike a Stroke to the building aright : we know not how to pray as we ought but the Spirit helpeth our in firmities it is not Grace received in the habit that will do but the operation is of the Spirit Secondly you must agree with the meritorious cause and that is the righteousness of Christ that there is any good look from heaven upon a Sinfull Soul is the purchase of Christ : away then with that Self conceited righteousness of our own and feel and Say when we have done all we can we are unprofitable Servants
Thirdly we must agree as to the formal cause faith in God and observance to God a believing hart and a Godly life
you are no more Strangers and forainers Says Paul but fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God and are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief corner Stone fourthly.: you must agree with the foundation as to the finall cause which is to build a Spirituall and So an Eternall house and hence this building is called a building of God an house not made with hands Eternal in the
heavens : now where-Ever there is this foundation laid upon Christ there is a growing Spirituall building there upon which Shall grow So high as to reach into heaven and there remain a holy temple through the Spirit unto the lord notwith Standing all the powers of darkness and the gates of hell that Shall not prevaile Fifthly that the guilding and the foundation may agree whatever you do Labour to keep up uprightness to God and to man
a citizen of Sion is one that Speaks the truth in his heart : his heart and his tongue doth Sweetly
agree then this Spirituall building Spiritual building and foundation will agree also there is nothing that the Devill and his Instruments do more Set themselves against then the uprightness of the Saints and it is rare if one day pass but that a discerning Spirituall builder may See Subtile and crafty and many times undiscerned working of Sin Satan and the world to drive aman off from his up-rightness which if they can attain that they know the man is conquered and Like to have his portion with hippocrites Now to leave with you my Children Some of my obser-vations and experiences in my time of Snares and dificulties that I have been brought into and helped thereon First I have often met with 2 ways the one a way of uprightness with the Cross, the other away of falshood wth worldly advantage I have Chosen the first Secondly : I have met with 2 Sorts of persons Saints and Sinners : by Saints I mean Such who are called faithfull and true and are like minded unto Christ : by Siners I mean garnished profesors and yet Like minded with the world rising high in forms and outward Shews of holiness but as deeply bespoted with the filth of this world as others. were were there visard taken off I have loved the first and been Shy of the Second try me o God and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and See if there be any wicked way in me and Lead me in the way Everlasting Thirdly I have met with temptations both from Saints and Siners who have delt Injuriously with me and ungratfully to have revenged my Self which I have had oppertunity to do : but the lord hath Said vengance is mine and I will repay believing that it Shall So be: have quieted my Self and been Still : fourthly : I have met with temptations on worldly preferments to conform to the Customs of the changing times it being the way to get up and hold out in honourable Employments but the Snares and temptations that ly thick and Strong in such capacities have been fearfull to me I have not to my Knowledge used any indirect means for Such attainments lest the temptations Should be too hard for me
and a trembling thing to me when God hath Called me forth upon the Stage of action Fifthly I have Seen the time when it was Joy to me to do that which was right and habve indeavoured to do So to mine enemies as well as
friends: of Spiritual and Soul concerns in these particulars First I have Seen the time when Secret communion with Christ Christ hath been Esteemed by me as the most precious time in this world Secondly I have Seen the time that I have longed for the Sabbath before it came and when come Esteemed them honourable and holy unto the Lord Thirdly I have heard and recieved the word many a time with this prayer lord make this
word Good to thy Servant: Fourthly : I have found a Difference in the Solemnity and awfullness of my heart betwixt the reading of the pure word of God and other mens works there from fifthly I have found great benifit in the comunion of Saints Specially in those days when Spiritual Experimentall things were brought forth: that which comes from the heart usually reaches the heart: Sixthly: I have thorow the Grace of god in dificult Cases which were beyond me been able to Commit my Self in the Sense of my own insifficientcy into the hands of
him who is alsufficient and have had the accomplishment of that promise both in doing and suffering my Grace Shall be sufficient for thee Secondly The change of times in my time acording to my observation may not be unusefull to you if my time be divided into 3 parts I lived almost a 3rd part in England before I Came into these
Parts : that was a declining time as to the life and power of religion few there were in most places and Great places too that kept up religion in their families and things grew worse and worse: profanation of the Sabaths allowed by the prelates bowing the bodys of the congregation when the name of Jesus was mentioned with Severall other Injunctons to the Subverting of Souls : te Godly of the land grieved and not being able to help them Selves the others discouraged So as they were Seen to
walk on Every Side : then a time to
make that prayer help Lord for the
Godly man ceaseth and the faithfull
fail from among the children of men
this I Saw in my first part of time
in England and it was an Evil time
that the Shadows of the Evening were
Streched over the people of God
A Second change of time in my
time was in the morning of new
England I may Say the first 20 years
and it was a rising time glorious
things were then reported of our Sion
newenglands morning clear and beau
tifull though not altogether without
clouds of herisie which acationed
trouble but yet Soon crushed the
persons being found no better then then wandring Stars and their doctrins
Like Empty clouds without water
them had the Churches rest in New England
and were Edified walking in the fear
of the Lord and in the comfort of the
holy ghost were multiplyed then was
the glory of our first temple such as
its doubtfull whether Ever it will be
recovered to : then were the churches
organised with teaching Elders [Ruleing]
Elders deacons all fixed in their places
then were there to be found in the
Churches men able pious men who
could and did in the absence of their
officers instruct the people out of
the Scriptures to their edification
and good sattisfaction then there were
Signal testimonies of God hearing the
prayers of his people with Speedy an-
-swers there unto then God
rebuking kings for the Sake of his
people he broak their laws and cut
their Spears assunder Saying be still
and know that I am God I will be
exalted among the heathen --------
The Last 3d part of my time or
there abouts nigh 20 years accord-
-ing to my observation hath been
a declining time from those first
ways as in general all or the most
part do grant that after God hath
done So well by us we have Iesuran like waxed fat &
kicked the heel and therefore have all
those Evils come upon and over taken
us : and that Seem to Increase upon
us one year after another as if the
Lord were resolved not only to make
us Sick with Smiting but to give us
a deadly wound that Shall not be
healed : I Shall leave with you my
Children Some perticulars of my
observation and who wee may be
compared unto Surely in our first
days to Capernaum lifted up to heaven
and in our last days with those in
malachies time inclineing downward
towards hell :
The first Sign of declention is loss of
love and affection to God and his ways
Saith Christ to the Church of Ephesus
thou hast left thy first love their
declention first begins in cooling the
affections and then diverting the
judgement and practice So Say they
the table of the Lord is poluted and
his meate is contemptable as if they
should Say it is poor beggerly living
upon the provision God hath provided
in his house, oh how many have
there been in Churches who have for a
considerable time well approved the doctrine of of the Gospel and discipline of
the Churches and yet afterward
Shews themselves to be men and wo
-men of other perswations : Great
families that when their Children
have been grown up they have Stu-
dyed more their privilegges then
their duties : and the first ways
of the Churches are strict there
need not be So much adoe all the
Congregation is holy and hence
implicite faith must Suffice when
allas poor Souls the fault lies not
there but in themselves : they have
nothing to Say they have lost their
love and affection to the word and
ways of God and have not concern
ed themselves as they ought and
there fore willingly ignorant of
those plain truths of the Gospel
that with the heart man
belives unto righteousness and with
the mouth Confession is made
unto Salvation So clear and full
are those things laid down in
the word that a Single eye may
See them:
A Second Signe of declention and
That is Idleness : if a person loose
His love and afecition to a thing he will Secretly
grow careless of it : there was a
time when heads of families kept
up the worship of God in their
families but after their Children
were Grown up they grew
more lax forgeting their places and
loosing the ways of their Government
taking little notice of their
Extravagences if they please them on
worldly accounts So that the Spirit
of Religion hath Secretly and In-
Sensably died away in those
Families a lamentale thing to See
Great families of chidren come to
man and womans Estate and yet no
more to be found in them then in
those that are of the Profainer
Sort as Either to the form and
power of Godlyness yet these idle
persons do think themselves wronged if they be not raised up to (part missing here) that height of priviledges as others
these are they that will not Shut
the door of the house of God for
nought neither kindle a fire up
on his alter without Some
worldly advantage: I have no
pleasure in you Saith the Lord
of hoasts neither will I except
an offering at your hand :
A third Signe of declention is when
persons grow teachy and froward
a laysy person doth not
care for work quckly weary and
looks at that little he doth to
be great either as to the mater
manner or end the Sluggard is
more wise in his own conceit then
Seven men that can render a rea
-Son, are not all places filled
with these Sorts of persons who
are So far from the knowledge
of true godliness that if (part missing here) you tell them friend or brother
here is a defect in you in this and the
other thing, presently he is tuchy
and will Snuff at it and it may be
So weary of it that they will proceed
to hatred So as to lay a Snare for
those that advise or reprove them
A fourth Signe is when persons Grow
obstinate and bold it is not the usuall
Jeniss of a true believer to grow
obstinate and bold for that there is
laid in the hearts of Such the
fear of God and thus the blessed
man that feareth all way he is so
well acquainted with himself that
when he comes to be delt withall he
quickly hath misgivings that doth
arise in him, it is your formall
and obstinate persons that will Stout ?
it out both against God and man so
in malachi your words have been
Stout against me Saith the Lord,
yet ye Say what have wee Spoken
So much against thee: ye have
Said it is in vain to Serve god
and what profit is it that we
have kept his ordinances I wish
that this be not one of the great Sins
of Newengland when professors- professors after Some time of Expe-
rience attending to gods ordinances as
also to the proffits and incomes of
the world which as thorny things
growing together with the Seed of the
word untill it be choaked & the poor
Soul come at last to Say I find no
profit in ordinances by them its
time Spent without profit and there
fore I am weary of it as they Say
here in malachi what a weariness is it
The fifth Signe of apostacy or
declention that wee may finde in
Malachis time was that they lost their
Spirituall discerning they could not
discern between the precious and the
vile: ye have wearied
the Lord when you Say Everyone
that doth evill is Good in the Sight
of the Lord, and now Say they we
call the proud happy and they that
work wickedness are Set up : yea they
that tempt god are Even delivered
if the State and case of New England
be like this : all you that fear the Lord
Look about you
First look out and See where you
may find out those that truly fear
God : thus the godly did in that time.
Secondly Make much of their. Company
then they that feared the Lord Spake
often one to another : Let your visits with
them be frequent and delightfull on to
acount of the name of God
Thirdly beware of all others on the
account of the name of God for th
think but little of it : and when they
doe, its not to advance but to Emp
or Slyly one way or other to cast
reflection there upon as they where
is the God of judgment
And now my children for whom
principally take these pains think on
what I Say Especially So far as I Speak
according to the Lord and Testament : I am
now taking my leave of you : and you will
See me no more I Shall Leave you in
an evill declining world and periolous
the Simtoms where of grows on a pace
that an upright man Shall have
hard work to find out So as he may
commit himself to the faithfullness
of any Saving the Lord alone : See
that I Jeremy therefore Stir
Stir up your Selves and one another
Take heed you loose not the
Things you have wrought It is a
Great refreshment to me how writing that the lord in
rich grace hath brought you all into
visible covenant with himself and none
of you fall amongst the number of
those sticklers who in their times
and turns have been So hurtfull to
the purity power and peace of the
churches : but according as you have been
instructed So you have received and as
[you] have received So you have practiced
the good lord Strengthen Establish
and confirm you all unto the end that
you may hold fast what you have gai
ned and keep on being abundant in the
work of the lord for as much as ye know
your Labour Shall not be in vaine in
the Lord that when he shall ap-
pear we may appear with him in glory
not as parents and Children but as
the Children of the living God to whom
be all praise honour might majesty
and Dominion world without End
from your truely Loving
father whilst I am :
Robert Chapman
September the