In the name of God Amen,
I James Cartledge of said State and County taking into consideration that is appointed for all to die and being under afflicion of body but of sound mind and disposing memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament.
I do resign my soul to God who gave it and my body to the Earth from which it sprang to be interred in the manner customary on occarion of death in my family who have gone before me.
Item 1 - I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Elizabeth Cartledge the following negros, Peter a man, Winney, a woman - and her increase, Mary a woman and her increase also the tract of land whereon I now reside containing one hurdred and Sixty acres more or less, also four cows and calves, two horses of her choice, twenty head of hogs, stock of fowl (any of all kinds) and the plantation tools, Waggons and gear, grindstone. Two hundred and fifty bushels of corn, three stacks of fodder, Twelve bushels wheat, fifty pounds of sugar and twenty pounds of coffee all my household and kitchen furniture and should there not be sufficient supply on hand at my decease as above named my Executors are requiring to purchase the same with my money belonging to my Estate all which property as above named I give and bequeath to my beloved wife during her natural life.
Item 2 - I have given off property to some of my children it is my will that they hold the same forever to wit I have given to my son John Cartledge the tract of land whereon he now resides containing One hundred forty one acres at the price of Seven hundred and fifty dollars which land is deeded to him. To my son Edmund Cartledge a negro girl by the name of Lawry and a boy (both valued a three hundred and eighty dollars) also the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars in cash making in the whole given him to be Five hundred and thirty dollars.
To my daughter Jane Adams one negro girl Elcy her increase at the price of three hundred and fifty dollars.
To my son Thomas Cartledge the tract of land where on he now lives containing one hundred and seventy-five acres at the sum of eight hundred and seventy five dollars. To my son James Cartledge a negro girl Keziah at the price of two hundred dollars and the sum of five dollars in cash. To my son Samuel Cartledge two negros Jeff and Manda valued at three hundred and seventy-five dollars. To my daughter Rebecca Blanchard in trust for my two grandchildren Sarah and Reuben Blanchard children of Reuben Blanchard deceased a negro girl by the name of Milley valued at three hundred dollars which negro girl and her increase my said daughter Rebecca Blanchard is to have aforesaid and if either of the children die without lawful issue the survivior shall inherit the negro girl and her increase and should both of the children die the property I have bequeathed shall be held by my daughter Rebecca Blanchard for her use and the heirs of her body. I give to my daughter Rebecca Blanchard one hundred and thirty-two dollars sixty-eight cents the same being money that I advanced for articles purchased by her at the sale of Reuben Blanchard deceased which with the property given to her two children by Reuben Blanchard will make to the sum of four hundred thirty two dollars and sixty-eight cents considered at that amount to her from my estate. To my son Jeremiah two negros Jim and Sally valued at the price of three hundred and twenty-five dollars. To my daugher Asenath Boroum two negros Louisa and Rachel valued at the price of three hundred and seventy-five dollars all which property as named as above to be held by my children at the prices named to them and their heirs forever.
Item 3 - I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin Cartledge within twelve months after my decease but should my son Benjamin die before his legacy is sue without heirs this legacy should revert to my Estate and be equally divided between my children.
Item 4 - It is my will and desire that the balance of my estate both real and personal of what kind ever be supplied in such manner as my executors may deem most advantageous to my estate for the purpose of paying all my just debts and the balance to be divided between my children in such manner that those who have received a less amount of my estate shall first receive in property or money to the amount of those who have already received a larger amount. And should their no be sufficient of my estate to make the legacy equal, those who receive less sums than those receiving
larger sums shall receive their several amounts with interest from the date of division as intended in this clause out of the property bequeathed to my beloved wsife at her death.
Item 5 - It is my will that after the death of my beloved wife should she survive me, the property bequeathed to her and the increase shall after making the legacies equal as intended in Item 4 of this my last Will and testament, shall be disposed of in such manner as my Executors may deem most advantageous and be eqally divided between my children in life or their heirs.
And lastly I appoint my sons John Cartledge and James Cartledge my Executors to carry into effect this my last W ll and testament revoking all other wills either verbal or written by me.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto caused my nameto be affixed and seal this 17th day of June in this year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and thirty.
(his mark) James Cartledge, Sr.
In the presence of
Thomas Ayers
Rebecah Ayers
Sarah Ayers
State of Georgia
Columbia County
I James Cartledge being very weak and near deathdo make this Codicil to my last Will and testament written and dated Seventeenth day of June Eighteen hundred and thirty. It is my Will that in addition towhat I have bequeathed to my beloved wife in the first Item of my Will above referred to that I will to my beloved wife during her natural life mu mulatto girl Eliza and after the death of my wife, Rebecca Cartledge the said girl Eliza will be disposed of as the property beqeathed in said first Item of my Will above referred and whereas in the third Item of my Will I beqeathed to my son Benjamin Cartledge three hundred dollars to be paid by my Evecutors. I hereby revoke that bequest to my son Benjamin Cartledge and in place thereof have given my son Benjamin two negros to wit Henry and Martha value4d at the price of three hundred and twenty-five dollars which said two negroes shall be considered as that amount received of his proportionalshare of my Estate and that this Codicil isto be considered as connected to andbe a partof my last Wiull and Testament. I will under my hand seal this seventh day July (1834) Eighteen hundred and thirty-four. - Interlined the 18 th line the word "dollars" before signed and the word thirty four erased four should be Eighteen hundred and thirty.
Thomas Ayers
Jeremiah Cartledge
James Cartledge, Jr.