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Gilbert Mills Will

In the name of God amen this 26th day of August 1757 I Gilbert Mills of the County of Augusta planter being in a sick condition yet of a sound and perfect understanding thanks be to God Therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make this my last Will and Testament that is to say principaly as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to be so bestowe upon me I do dispose of in the following way and manner - Imprimus - I here by order all my lawfull debts to be paid
Item I give unto my son William Mills the money mentioned in note I had on James Staret living in Rosoe township penelvenia
Item I give unto my son Alexander Mills all my waveing body cloths and five Shill Ster.
Item I give unto my grand Daughter Agnes Mills all my beding cloths and all the clothes that did belong to her grand mother as also one horse such as she shall chose and one sadle and in short after the payment of afor mentioned legasys and funerall charges she is to be heir of all my personall estate etc
I order Isaac White and Edw Hall to be my Executors and trustees for my Grand Daughter Agnes Mills
Given under my hand and Seal

in the presence of Henry Davis Eleanor Teas Gilbert Mills

This will was proven November 16, 1757