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Edmund Cartledge Jr. Deed

The Indian deed reads (spelling as in original):
Know all men by these p’ssents that I Wiggoneeheenah Do In behalf of all ye Dellaware Indians Concerned for and In Consideration of the Greatt Love and Resspectt as well as for Divers Large presents made unto mee by my true and Loveing friend Edmund Cartlidge Do hereby Give Grantt and Disspose unto ye Sd Edmund Cartlidge all The right Tytle Intriestt Claim and Demand of my Selfe and the rest Concernd of In and to a Certain piece of Ground formerly my plantation Lyeing In a Turn of Conestogoe Creek Called by the name of ye Indian point to bee held by my Sd Frd Edmund Cartlidge his heirs and assings forever from mee and my heirs and all others In peaceable quiet possession. In witness Eight day of Aprill Annoq Dominy 1725.

Sealed and Deleivered
In the p’ssence of us
Andr (his mark) Cox