Sion Boon Will
This is the will of Sion Boon. The spelling may not be accurate, but done as orginal will.
Georgia Morgan County In the Name of God Amen. I Sion Boon of the County & State aforesaid being Weak in Body but sound in Mind and Wishing to dispose of My property by Will do, Make and Ordain this to be my last Will and testament in manner and form following to Writ
Item 1st I Wish my Just debts to be first paid.
Item 2nd I give and bequeath for and during her natural life to my beloved Wife Gilley Boon that part of my plantation situated in said County known as Iveniho (?) place. These Negros namely Sam, Nan, and Luce. One Horse, feather Bed and furniture and at her death to be equally divided between her children Patsey Robson, Sally Crawford Buffington, Gilley Catherine, and Rebecah Yancy & John R Boon.
Item 3rd I give and bequeath unto my son Joshua Boon five dollars to his and his heirs forever.
Item 4th I give and bequeath to the children of my daughter Mary Williams, now deceased, Who was Wife of Joseph John Williams five hundred dollars in full of their distributive share of my Estate
Item 5th I give and bequeath unto Willis A Hawkins and Betsey his Wife Six hundred dollars in full of his distributive share of my Estate in addition to what I have already given them
Item 6th I give and bequeath unto My Son Thomas Boon Six hundred dollars in full of his share of my Estate out of if any notes should be found in my possession shall be dedicated out of the Legency
Item 7th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Nancy Brown Five hundred dollars in full of her share of my Estate in addition to what I have already given her
Item 8th I give and bequeath to my trusty friends John Robson and John W Porter as trustees for my daughter Sally Boon and her Children begotten of Joshua Boon Eight hundred Dollars to be raised as hereinafter pointed out for the purpose of supporting and maintaining my said daughter and Children, and I do hereby clothe my said friends with power to lay out the money as received by them in an Way in the purchase of Lands and Negroes or other property that they may concern Will is to the interest, of my said Daughter, I wish the property or money to be divided amongst her children. An I do hereby constitute and appoint my said friends John Robson and John W. Porter trustees with ample powers to carry this part of my will into effect
Item 9th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Gilley Catherine Boon One Negro Girl named Caroline and feather Bed and furniture to her forever
Item 10th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecah Yancy Boon One little Negro Girl named Frances One feather bed and furniture to her forever
Item 11th I give and bequeath to my Son John R Boon One Negro Boy named Alfred one gray horse saddle bridle one feather Bed and furniture
Item 12th I will that my Town property and all my reel Estate not divided in the Will be sold in three annual instalments the remainder of my Property Negros, stock of all Kinds and every other species of property be sold on a credit of twelve months and the proceeds be applied to the payment of the legacies before pointed out
Item 13th It is my Will after the payment of all debts and legacies before printed out I give and bequeath to be equally divided among them the balance that may be found remaining between my children Patsey Robson, Sarah Crawford Buffington, Gilley Catherine Boon, Rebeccah Yancy Boon, and John Rayford Boon share and share alike
Lastly I nominate and appoint my friends John Robson and John W Porter Executors to carry into effect these my last will and testament. Signed Sealed Acknowledged in the presence of us this 7th day of May 1929
Sion Boon
Herdson Wade
Charter Campbell
Lucius Mittick
Georgia Morgan County Personally appeared in open court Charter Campbell and Lucius L Mittick subscribing witnesses to the foregoing instrument in Writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Sion Boon late of said County Deceased Who being duly sworn saith they saw the Testator sign seal and deliver the same for the purposes therein contained and that he Was at the time of executing the same of sound mind and disposing manner and that hey tested the same as witnesses and saw Herdson Wade the other subscribing witness do so likewise Sworn to & subscribed, in open court July 6th 1929